When a nigga is horny can happen at any time
Every time I close my eyes I wake up feeling so horny
Song example of horny nigga hours 🤷 ♂️
The time when you get horny every night
Me: This dude asked me what time we would do it.
Friend: What you say?
Me: At 11pm that's my Primetime horny time
A sock sometimes used by African American males for cooming in Public, in School, or while on the bus.
Sometimes used for assault, or as a pretext to assault.
Commonly abbreviated with "HBS"
Daym jamal ay-o dis feel so good wen I coom in my Horny Boner Sock.
Fug jamal gawt so mad at dat nigga dat he slap heym widt his Horny Boner Sock lamo.
just a very horni person
sex sex sex sex
Horni Maid Kit: Sex
A shape shifting animal always taking different forms. Often elusive, to everything but cock. Vitiamin “D” defficiant, always on a quest to quench its thirst for the penis. Often squirts its prey from its thighs and eyes.
Steer clear of Kate. She’s a real great white horny!
calls random women mummy
try’s to steal everyone’s bird except harvey’s for obvious reasons
has a huge stanislas agenda cus he’s a finished player
supports a tinpot club with a shit stadium
thinks astrid wetts attractive?! 😂😂
do you know horny man (lucas)?
yeah tried chatting up my bird on twitter
When you are horny and your dick is hard and in your pants, and it rolls into the shape of a biscuit.
Man 1: dude did you see dem titties? I got so horny that my dick rolled in my pants!
Man 2: yah! I got a horny dick biscuit too!