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American Indian

The first people of North America. The word Indian has slid into uncomfortableness because of political correctness, but chill, Indians themselves prefer Indian over Native American. The reason being is that Native American can mean any indigenous inhabitant of the Americas, whereas Indian is used just for the first people of US and Canada. NOT OFFENSIVE.

Use Indian or American Indian (not Indian American) to refer to the first people of US and Canada

Use Native American or Amerindian to refer to the first people of North and South America and Greenland collectively.

by Xxxxxxxxfanboyxxxxxxxxxx December 21, 2020

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Indian Rum Bum

The act of using pickle juice and rum for an enema. This is often done after a particularly violent anal cleaning.

I gave my ass hole a good cleaning in preparation for this Indian Rum Bum I'm about to get.

by bigbuttfucker October 24, 2018

Shoot that indian

To wet one part of a joint that is burning unevenly, also called "canoeing".

Dude, where you learn to roll? This joint is canoeing.
Man, just shoot that indian, puff, puff, pass.

by IndigoWyrd November 18, 2022

indian street food

The most disgusting shit you can eat on the streets of India. It's filled with salmonella and fuck knows what.

Speaker 1: "Do you wanna get some indian street food?"
Speaker 2: "Are you fucking dumb bruv?"

by Real wigger boy July 2, 2024

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Indian War Paint

When you pull a girls tampon out and slap it across her face.

Bro, Jalen I met up with this girl, and she let me give her an indian war paint

by Kinky cheezit December 19, 2022

indian belch

A term for when you take a dump after eating Indian food and it all comes out in one violent "burp"

God that meekrob I ate last night made me have an indian belch. Don't go in the banthroom for 15, 20 minutes at least.

by thor1017 August 15, 2014

Compton Indian

When you are a compton indian and you don't know what it means. Also when you can't shoot for shit.

Parvathi is a compton indian.

by Demmenick March 4, 2022