Following on from the misadventures of 2022, International Peringa Day - or PerinGala as it's colloquially known - is a day of remembrance for soft tissue damage, unexpected nudity, questionable choices and Dominos pizza delivery drivers.
Whilst the origins are hazy and somewhat lost in PeringaFog, it rumoured that there is a trove of misinformation and digitally altered photos closely guarded by the chosen one in the vault, accessible to a chosen few.
Regardless of the origins, the current accepted remembrance ceremony is centred around red wine, overheated spas and getting Holmaned.
I'm off too Sydney Street to get Holmaned for International Peringa Day.
A derogatory name for the ISM
"Join the International Stupidity Movement today - because stupidity is a human right! "
It's intrnational grab ass day 30.10/2019
It's international grab ass day
International Husky Day is an annual observance celebrated on September 22nd to honor and recognize the Siberian Husky breed of dog. This day is dedicated to celebrating the unique qualities and contributions of Huskies to human society, both historically and in popular culture.
Only 32 days until International Husky Day!
On October 27th in the year 2020, The Dallas collection was made, On this day. We celebrate Dallas. Let us respect and praise Dallas as our lord and saviour. Use this day as a get high free day during the hours of 10pm to 11pm (1 hour) to get wasted
Person 1 - Hey are you celebrating International Dallas day?
Person 2 - let’s get fucked up! (At 10pm)
Day of the global IT outage at the 19th of July in 2024 caused by cyber security firm "CrowdStrike"
Do you know what happened at the International blue screen day?