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Mad large

to be dope, off the chain, generally really sick.

A: Hey you heard that new Wu-Massacre shit?
B: Ya that record was mad large!

by dirtyharrybeats January 5, 2011

Mad Beatdown

A token or offering of your friendship to someone you don't know and vice-versa.

Hey man, do you want a mad beatdown?

No, what the hell's your problem?

by pseudonym696969696969696969 February 14, 2009

Mad Cig

Used when one is in desperate need of a cigarette. Derived in central Ohio

"hey bro let me get a mad cig, i haven't had one in five minutes!"

by oximoreon February 4, 2009

mad fag

Very or extremely gay. If your name is Landon you definitely have mad fag.

Ex: That dude is MAD fag. His name must be Landon.

by crustycroissant October 9, 2018

mad fag

very, extremely gay. if your name is Landon then you definitely have mad fag.

Ex: wow, Landon is so mad fag, he sux dicks.

by crustycroissant October 9, 2018

Mad Boore

Someone who thinks they can operate a rig but just fuck it every time

Mad Boore has fucked it again

by Kangaskidsteer April 7, 2021

Mad oo

An exclamation made when someone says something too unbelievable or exciting

Some random chick: My boyfriend promised to get me the new iPhone 11

Some random chick's friend: Mad oo

by jsyk I'm here July 20, 2020