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Green Mountain Boys

A word meaning a gay person
(GMB for short)

The Green Mountain Boys sucks

by Sugarp April 25, 2022

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Oak Mountain High School

Infamous for Drugs, mostly cocaine. And Xanax. And Heroin.
Now drug testing everyone, everywhere, every time. Not helping...faculty problem as well. perhaps, even the janitorial staff. Lots of underage deaths and dumb-ass rich kids.
Also had a strong streak of girly nude pictures...in the halls, lockers, ect. Even had a bonfire (with beer!) of said pictures.
Also infamous for idiotic crimes and arrests.

Why does Oak Mountain High School start at 7:40 instead of 8:00?
because all the stoners need an extra twenty minutes to get here.

Why did those freshman burn down the country club?
because they knew their daddies would build it back bigger and better.

by omhs09 August 20, 2011

91πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž

Big Rock Candy Mountains

In the depression era, A tale told by hobos to snag young kids to do their begging for them. Tales of lemonade springs and cigarette trees abound. First sung about by Harry McClintock.

Now, It's a Skwatta's version of paradise. It's what keeps punks on the street hopeful.

In the Big Rock Candy Mountains, there's a land that's fair and bright.

The handouts grow on bushes, and you sleep out everynight.

by Anarchist2884 September 23, 2009

14πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Cheyenne mountain high school

Cheyenne is not at all diverse with like 4 black kids located in Colorado Springs Colorado and is full of rich white kids wearing patigonia and vineyard vines, with ultra boosts and burks but the mascot of the school sadly passed the other week. Today we will remeber the mascot and his contributions to the school. R.I.P pinky pie he fell tragically fell onto the ice of the Cheyenne vs Air Aacdamy hockey game.

β€œPinky pie dead my nigga”
β€œWho’s that”
β€œCheyenne mountain high schools white kids threw him onto the ice durring the hockey game”

by Cheyenne kid21 December 20, 2018

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mountain dew baja blast

cool shit

mountain dew baja blast is cool shit

by boredasfuck55555 January 1, 2016

8πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

mountain dew pitch black

nectar of the gods, tastes so good

man this new mountain dew is only out to halloween that sux the wang chung

by weedboy September 22, 2004

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Black Mountain Middle School

A school located in Rancho Penasquitos in San Diego that is upper middle to upper class Asians, whites, and a mix of many races, but mostly asians and whites. They go to the school with the a vice principle that i believe broke the record for having the fattest ass ever (Mr. Currigan). Newly Remodeled and more gay than ever. Took away the little field, became more strict and have fucking ugly teachers. But most of the kids who go there are gonna grow up to be successful because all the awards theyve won, unless you are one of the many who do drugs, then you will just grow up to be fuckin awesome, Especially the pot-smokers.

Ex. 1:
Black mountain kid 1: ching chong ching bing ding long
Black mountain kid 2: oh ping ching wing ling bong
Over-Hearing B.M. kid: I heard bong lets get high

Ex. 2:
Kid 1: do you go to Black Mountain Middle School?
Kid 2: im a rich asian genius what do you think dumbass.

by Brother of Jordan McD May 16, 2010

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