A response to someone saying or doing something Incredibly stupid, questionable, mildly offensive, and or completely unfunny.
Man: *eats a bat and gets infected with the Corona Virus*
Literally everyone on earth: “Bruh”
'Bruh' is a 'meant to be cool' term usually meaning 'bro/brother' or 'dude'. Used in many sentences like 'bruh moment' or addressing ur best mates
Guy 1: I just had a bruh moment.. bruh
Guy 2: I told you we should never have been friends.
Guy 1: Bruh.
A derivation of the word brother. Much like the English language, there are many ways of saying and spelling it.
brother, bro, bra, bruh, boob hammock.
1. Another way of saying “seriously?”
2. What to say when your’e disappointed by something or someone
1. “Bruh, my girl just broke up with me.”
2. “A creeper just destroyed my house”
1. A situation that inflicts such a strong emotion that all you can really say is... bruh
2. A greeting
3. A word used whenever someone does stupid shit
1. Person 1: Bro Person 3 just took a shit in their pants
Person 2: Bruh.
2. Person 1: Ayyy what's up bruh?
3. Person 1: What's 1+1?
Person 2: BRUH.