Source Code

Layton banks

Massive fucking cunt

Oh that’s Layton banks at the pub. Oh he’s a massive cunt

by Hand has January 4, 2022

Zak Banks

looks like an egg get really mad slap you with light sticks and get mad . searched marmaids

Search up marmaids I'm zak banks

by Unknown69. April 25, 2022

wine bank

A place that full of wine.

Wine Bank is so such a heaven for wine lover just like blood bank is meant for vampire.

by WLV February 18, 2014

memory bank is loaded

Rich in memories

I've lived the high life to have any significant savings but my memory bank is loaded

by Indacloudman March 23, 2018

Andrew Banks

A rapist, a faggot, very short, drives a prius, perhaps scum of the earth

God I can’t imagine being as gay as Andrew Banks

by ccajbjb September 17, 2019

bank roll fever

When u get a feeling yo bankroll finna get larger

Damn gang a nigga got a bank roll fever

by Bakkdoe December 1, 2021

Throttle bank

The repository of dirty thoughts and images collected over an extended period of time that is then subsequently used for aggressive self stimulation.

Haley got very excited and decided to retire to her room to to engage her throttle bank.

by MasterDebator July 13, 2022