Physical perfection is when someone is better looking than anyone else in the world. Unlike Lawrence someone with physical perfection actually is physical perfect.
Lawrece has not achieved physical perfection becuase he is not good looking.
Consists of of a group of ONLY three and the three people have to be black...NO EXCEPTIONS.
EXAMPLE: "OH MY GOSH you 3 make the 'Perfect Trio'. Are yall niggers?"
Someone or something that is perfect and Amazing to be with, look at, or experience.
Gitty Wuensch is absolute perfection
A facetious false etymology for the rank "PFC" (private first class, E-2) in the US Marine Corps. Since PFCs are often tasked with menial work like mopping, sweeping, and picking up litter, this term is used either to mock them, or by PFCs themselves to lament their low status.
A: Dammit, Sgt Fuentes has us out police-calling cigarette butts all morning yet-a-fucking-gain. Why does this shit keep happening to us?
B: Well, we're E-2s, and you know what PFC stands for: "perfect for cleaning".
When both bodies fit into each other exactly and the TV is still completely visible for the big spoon.
It’s the perfect spoon.
Pop Perfection is when u hear a song that perfectly describes pop music back when it was thriving and pop perfection can be explained by a song or a person, for example Dakarion Stormz is the EPITOME of pop perfection
Dakarion Stormz new songs “Love Affair” and “Playhouse” SCREAMS pop perfection! it reminds me of a 2010s Nicki Minaj, Katy Perry, Rihanna, Lady Gaga… POP PERFECTION
The ultimate prince. He's charming and sincere. He makes you feel like you've reached a peak of happiness only to show you it gets better. He laughs at your jokes and likes your smile. He is honest and loyal and he is anything and everything somebody would ever want.
Andres Luna is prince perfect.