International danger seeker. Professional pilot. Often called the bravest man in the world.
Get me Rex Cramer!!
If your composite rex your a smelly mf and a femboy
Other guy:you got thr composite rex fallacy therefore i automatically win
You dont fist the pussy good enough.
"Hey john what your girl say about your fisting last night?"
"Maaaaan she said i didn't fist the pussy good enough"
"Damn bro you fist like a T-Rex?!"
Tyrannosaurus Rex's that are heavily into BDSM. Just a kinky dinosaur.
Or to be used as an adjective for someone who is really into BDSM.
George: "Me and the Missus like to spice up the weekends with a bit whipping and paddling. She just loves being tied up while I spank her."
Kurt: "Woah, dude so you're like a Gimpasaurus Rex."
George: "Yeah, I suppose you could say that."
{George proceeded to put his hands on hips like superman with his hair blowing in the wind}
Carolus Rex was the nickname of swedish king Gustafus Adolfus, who reigned from 1611-1632, its also a name of a song from sabatons album "Carolus rex"
Över Norden jag härskar
Med det arv som jag fick/gavs
Gång på gång, sjung Carolus sång
Krigets konst jag behärskar
Låt mitt namn sprida skräck
Gång på gång, sjung Carolus sång
Än en gång, sjung Carolus sång
CArolus Rex
aj jean: she is so lizasaurus rexing stupid.