A drinking game created in a legendary garage that ruled the party scene in Brookline (Pittsburgh) from 2006-2012. This game is usually played to end the pregame before leaving for a different location. When someone shouts “its almost time to leave this play smack and pass” every one at the party rounds up all the fifth or half gallons laying around and all the patrons at the party stand in a circle and smack and pass the bottles continuously until beging to gag or finishing them all off until nothing is left.
Brah its almost time to bounce and i still have a fifth of cherry vodka left lets play smack and pass til our ride gets here.
When u have small male genitalia and you try to get down on a girl. Can be used as an insult.
“Hey Jordan you are going to give that girl a Tic Tac Smack.”
Flap smacked is the act of being hit in the face or head by a flap of skin, usually the size of a large dildo, when log-rolling a patient undergoing a circumferential body lift.
Joey got flap smacked yesterday during Dr. Frankenstein's case.. it was like a knock-out punch from Mike Tyson.
To knocked someone or get knocked the fuck out
Tyler jus got his shit smacked
When somebody gets battered and embarrassed during a fight
Oh Katelyn’s a wee poof she got smacked about easy.
Weed that is so strong/potent that it smacks you right on the couch.
Me and the boys got some good smacks this weekend!
Damn bro those are some good smacks.