A phenomenon in which you ask yourself why the fuck you just paid $2000 to hear a professor tell you to watch a YouTube video.
Teacher: “all right class, the next hour will be focused on self-directed learning! Here’s the homework, go ahead and self-direct yourself how to do it!”
Student: “...lazy-ass bitch...”
When your receiving and ass-whopping of such a high caliber that a spectator must instruct you on how to "DEFEND YO SELF"
when your watching a fight and one of the fighters is basically a punching bag and you must shout "Defend yo Self" man!!!!!
Self-help junkies fool themselves into thinking that they’re helping themselves, but in reality, they’re just absorbing new information
1.For example, are you obsessed with increasing your reading speed, yet you consistently find that you can’t pay your bills on time? then definetly you are defeating the purpose and being self-help junkie.
2. Also you read self help books of how to be confident whereas in reality you are already brimming with confidence.
To order or otherwise instruct an individual or group to engage in acts of masturbation, often giving them the freedom to decide upon the appropriate location to perform said acts (i.e. Living Room, Restroom, Wendy's, or a random corn field). It is often necessary to carry a stuffed llama under one's left arm in order for the target audience to understand the gravity of the situation.
Also known as: "Go Fuck Yourself: The King James Version"
Jackson: Marston, is that a sleeping bag up there on the roof of Castaway's?
Marston: Yes, Mr. Jackson, it is.
Jackson: Are you gonna get up in there?
Marston: Yes, Mr. Jackson. And I feel that perhaps I may vomit.
Jackson: Fucketh thine self!
Marston: Done. Carry on.
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Synonym for a woman's monthly cycle wherein the lining of the uterine wall detaches itself resulting in a period.
Is a polite and non-gross euphemism for period.
"Jeez, someone's crabby."
"Well, I've got a self-destructing uterus, what do you expect?"
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When your over indulge in an acoholic beverage or consume more calories than the food pyramid suggests the gas of your ass fills your stomach that you have to fart to the point of explosion.fart yo self
fart yo self DAMN, that bloated bitch drank so much wine that she complained her stomach hurt!!! I said, "Ho fart'yo'self!"
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the absofuckinglutely only band on earth that can give thousands of people from all over the world an orgasim, mindgasm, and bowlgasm at the same time...insane
when susan heard Mindless Self Indulgence for the first time, she lost control of all bodily functions, woke up days later and had this to say...MSI RULES
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