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The sleeping beauty

When you are at party that is being hosted by som1 you hate. You go to their bedroom and while no1 is looking you take a shit on their bed.

I want to see Steve's reaction when he finds the sleeping beauty on his bed!

by Lilchild July 11, 2011

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u sleep

a shortened version of are you a sleep that people use when wanting to know what you are doing. most often used by athletes when they want to know what their girls are doing.

yeah he wanted to know what i was doing last night and texted me u sleep

by go home mountainqueers February 4, 2010

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sleeping dog

like doggy style but the girl lays flat on her stomach and gets stuffed

i fucked her like a sleeping dog

by $JUICY$ January 2, 2006

14πŸ‘ 42πŸ‘Ž

I’m sleep

Tired of ones bull****

β€œHey John, I threw away your Xbox controller on accident”.....I’m sleep

by Kidwood November 17, 2018

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sleep eat

an annoying room mate who wakes in the middle of the night to eat cheese or other condiments while still asleep ergo "sleep eat"

house mate ; hmmmnmmnn

other; dude shut the fuck up go back to bed !!!
house mate hummnmmnyumn
other; dude!!!, kicks house mate sayin "fucking sleep eat"

house mate; wakes up and says "what im in bed leave me alone"

by lytral 79 August 4, 2009

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sleep pee

When you are blacked out drunk asleep and you get up, still asleep, and pee all over everything but the urinal.

My boyfriend sleep peed all over my bed!

by Teratogen August 16, 2010

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Sleeping Bag

A sexual act in which, after sex, the man kills the woman, hollows out her corpse, and sleeps in it. Another word for this is the tauntaun.

I was so wasted, I didn't realise I'd pulled a sleeping bag until I woke up the next morning covered in intestines.

by MrCocoa77 October 31, 2007

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