A river boy is a young blonde curly haired white male who goes to hide by the river to perform homosexual acts with their in the closet best friend/boyfriend.
“Hey did you see those river boys at the chatahooche river, they were making out by the bamboo forest”
He’s sweet, very funny and cute ngl. He has a good personality. Though he acts like he is 8 years old. Talks like a 2 year old sometimes like a 30 year old because his voice is deep. And has the face of a 18 year old and has the mind of a 16 year old. To say it short he doesn’t act his age. But I still love him- A
Noah river r is a very good person
A mixture of Coors light and Mountain Dew
Hey Coors light tasted like shit so I made a Alabama river
Missing work and going to the river for a fun filled day while everyone else does your work.
Richie called in sick. I bet he has the river flue.
The world's greatest player. Nobody is greater.
Girl: "I'm dating David Rivers"
Girl 2: "Really? You're so lucky!"