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crooked dab

it's the gay version of dabbing

daniel: "dab"

max: "no that's too straight"

daniel: "o, you're right..crooked dab"

by praisemeimgaysus July 1, 2018

ooo dab a lab

When you stub your toe if you say ooo dab a lab you can make a wish

Owwww ooo dab a lab I hope my wish comes true

by gorlla February 27, 2022

Doggy dabs

A doggy dab, a little wee brown stain which is often found long after a punishment turd has been found, left urgently by a desperate doggo. The doggy dab is the result of a repeated turtle head poop poking it's little brown head out,

leaving an imprint like a brown jumbo bingo marker, while your dog patiently tried to garner your attention to take it outside to lay it's log safely on the lawn. Don't be surprised to find a doggy dab or ten if you've not been timely with allowing your doggo to enjoy its motions.

I waited in all day for a delivery of cbd vapes, my dog did an indoor shit because I slack on taking him outside, later I found a series of doggy dabs all-over the arm of my sofa.

by pander.to.me November 30, 2023

Infinite dab

Dance of the gods, the greatest thing about humanity

Guy 1:Oi fam, yall wanna dab on them skets?
Guy 2: Ye m8, lets infinite dab lol

by Kylling-W October 16, 2018

National Dabbing Day

National Dabbing Day takes place December 11th annually. At 12:00 AM, as soon as the clock strikes midnight, everyone will dab at the same time, to bring back the Christmas Spirit 🎅

Hey man, are you excited?! Tomorrow is National Dabbing Day!”

by mcg123rploml December 11, 2022

Butt Dabbing

Similar to Vaginal Dabbing, but within the gay male community when a male inserts his finger into his rectum and pulls it out and then dabs behind their ears and neck area where one would apply a perfume or cologne in attempts to attract the opposite sex with pheromones, except in the case the same sex. Butt dabbers can usually be found at gay bars.

Johnny was getting ready to hit the gay scene up, but he decided to engage in a little butt dabbing before he left his apartment in attempts to attract other males at the gay club. What Johnny did not realize is he really just smelled like shit when he left.

by Vaimaster7 September 8, 2022


Upon a dab-flash is a blast of heat that will consume you.

After I Take a dab, I have a dab-flash and now im taking my shirt off trying to breath.

by DabKing February 1, 2016