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Not all depressed, most just misunderstood.

EMO BOYS ARE HOT! *licks lips*

by ILuffEmoBoys April 30, 2007

23๐Ÿ‘ 37๐Ÿ‘Ž


Like Goth but for Pussies.

Look at that emo wearing tight jeans to make there balls stick out so other emo boys can see before they try.

by Emobreathe September 27, 2007

15๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž


A whiney, unnessicarily deep, attention demanding bitch. Known for dressing as the opposite sex, thick framed glasses, wearing clothes as tight as possible, and cutting themselves. An emo is basically a faggot who is depressed for no reason at all, they think theyre cool cuz theyre fucking annoying and cry when they get presents..so yeah, as you can see, a total whore. Oh, not to mention they have greasy hair hanging in their face cuz they think they're cool and most likely have poor hegeine..
Oh, and most likely bi-sexual and deny it.

I have three good words for all you kids out there..
Good lord..just fucking listen to me...emos
make life miserable...I don't get why you kids do it..Just smilleeeeeeeee....

Mom: Here honey, I won $1,000,000 today at slots, and I want to give it to you!
Emo kid: *sniff* My life sucks....I'ma go cut myself now...*sobbbbbbb*
Mom: Aww..you weren't happy with all the gifts I gave you for no reason?
Emo kid: Ahhhhh...My life is a black abyss..I just wanna dieee!!!! *sobs gayly*
I'm going to go listen to my favorite

by Emiiii March 2, 2007

7๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž


The name for derivative teenagers who try their very hardest to be "cutting-edge" by either telling literally the whole world (by that I mean classroom) that two men kissing is soo erotic, that their spoilt, middle-class existence is driving them to suicide and by shouting SEX! DRUGS! every 5 minutes. Also fond of throwing random tantrums, a la tortured rich kid Marissa from the OC

Emos are easy to point out:
1.tight black jeans
2.scrappy, anime-inspired hairdo
3.Neon jewelry
4.Enough eyeliner to rewrite the Da Vinci Code with

by Kralyaxxx July 14, 2006

44๐Ÿ‘ 81๐Ÿ‘Ž


An Emo girl dresses in their own way of expression. They don't care what people think because it's what she likes.

EMO ATTIRE:: What I usually wear...

1} A black t-shirt with mcr on it or sometimes a shirt with my favorite superhero or cartoon.
2} A studded belt with hearts and diamonds on it. Dark denim, straight legged, jeans. When I wear knee pants, I always wear funky socks. Mostly they have stripes on them, but sometimes I wear socks with Jack the Pumpkin King (from Tim Burton's "A Nightmare Before Christmas") on them.
3} I usually wear converse shoes. I mismatch the colors though. On one foot I wear red and the other black...depending on the colors in my shirt. I also wear vans sometimes.
4} On my left arm I wear an armband with polka dots on it. On my right arm I wear tons of different color hair bands. My nails are usually black...but sometimes I mismatch them like my shoes.


My hair is short like a boy (not too short). My bangs are long and cover my right eye. I have spikes in my hair. My main color is black. My spikes are red and orange (so when I spike them it looks like fire.) Then I have red, blonde, and violet highlights in my bangs and some in the very back.

1} Hair must cover one eye. (sometimes it irritates my eye)
2} Hair can be any color(s). Express yourself in your hair. First timers get it done at a salon so the stylist can give you tips on how to do it, hair color to buy, etc. (it costs about 80 dollars to get it done at a salon.)


My make-up consists of: powder, black eyeliner and dark gray eyeshadow.

1} Eyeliner is a must to get the Emo look. Use black eyeliner and put it on top and bottom (but not too much). If you can't put it on top then just put it on the bottom. Just as long as you have it on.
2} Eyeshadow can be any color. Sometimes it looks awesome if you wear it underneath your eye as well.
3} Don't wear too much powder. You can wear blush but it's unnecessary. If you want to look pale then exclude blush. ALWAYS put blush on before you put powder on. Unless you are using liquid foundation, then put blush on afterwards.

1 thing I want to let you know:: Emos NEVER say Oh My God or Oh my Gosh...Poser Emos and Preps do.

Prep boy: Hey cutter, you're outfit is so ugly.

Emo girl: My outfit is the art of who I am.

Prep boy: Come on raccoon eyes get over it!

Emo girl: I have nothing to get over. I am happy with who I am and if you don't like it...then I don't give a freak. Oh, and I don't cut. *shows wrists*

Emo girl walks away with a smile and puts headphones on her ears. Prep boy goes back with his buddies and they laugh.

Emos don't care what others think.

by xx{{im.not.empty.im.filled.with.pain}}xx October 21, 2007

30๐Ÿ‘ 52๐Ÿ‘Ž


Jet black mop heads.
They guys usually kiss each other.
Act depressed.
Slit wrists.
Wear mascarra so their tears look more dramatic.
Completely different to Goths
Wear studded belts alot.
Skinny tight jeans.
Listen to EMO music.
And thats that.
Don't get them mixed up with goths.

"Oh my god, he is such an Emo."
"Nahh hes not"
"Look, hes got the jet black hair, skinny jeans, and you can hear the My Chemical Romance from here"

by [Tezz o] April 22, 2007

21๐Ÿ‘ 34๐Ÿ‘Ž


You know it's kind of stupid and sad to see the definition of emo written about by people who not only dont like/listen to the music but dont have a clue what it is and are just writing their definitions to be funny or mock.
So,to those,please get a life because to do that you abviously dont have one.
Anyway moving swiftly on.
The term Emo was coined from bands in the 80's that had a strong punk influence but didnt appeal as much to the violent aspect of the genre and so inturn Emo was created.
It started with bands like moss icon,fugazi and teen idles and then as it progressed it turned softer with bands like sunny day real estate,braid and the get up kids.
The style of emo kids back then was converse all star high tops,messenger bags with pins on the straps,gas station jackets,argyle sweater vests,thick rimmed glasses, short messy greasy black hair.Most clothes woud have been baught from a thrift store.
Thats a general short description of the now dead sub culture but if you want to know more then i suggest looking at "fourfa.com"

Emo bands:
american football
at the drive in
christie front drive
cap'n jazz
split lip
commander venus
texas is the reason
the junior varsity

by Adam-H May 27, 2008

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