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Fish Face

1) a phrase that mutually describes a deformed face that looks similarly like a fish, though no apparent fish like features can be seen. It is often associated with one who possesses extreme greediness and disease.

2) An incredibly greedy, insignificant person that leeches off others with fish like features and is disliked by most people. Approach with caution.

3)A mutant freak that greatly portrays greediness and sexual disgust. Extreme greediness is often associated with the organism and insignificance. Uses saliva and spit as a self defense mechanism

Your a fish face! loser!

Michael spits alot and is greedy. Therefore, it is positively clear that he is a fish face.

by Jason Brown November 23, 2005

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Muscular Face

A person with a face made totally up of rippling muscles. Can do push-ups with chin and crack walnuts in mouth.

Giants among men.

"Nick Grim has a muscular face! Look at him bench press 200 lbs with his chin!"

by Stefan January 20, 2005

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truck face

A guy or girl who looks as if they have been hit by a truck. So god-foresakingly ugly that it's blinding and it hurts to look at them.

A friend of mine told me that she thinks that Foot looks as if she was hit by a truck! lmfao! What a TRUCK FACE!

by Miss Kay October 3, 2006

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dookie face

A facial expression showing extreme anguish or displeasure.

Since my car is broken and I have no money, I'm stuck in my house with the dookie face.

by Kinda D. June 23, 2004

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arse face

Some whose face resembles a someone's backside; a horrible looking person.

God bless that man; with a face like an arse and an arse like a face, he's a bonafide arse face.

by Sean Scrivener January 30, 2005

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blown face

A face of disbelief or shock, where someone points to their face and keeps a straight or distraught face.

Sam: I just got abducted by aliens.
Sean: *blown face*

by BlownFace September 20, 2007

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chode face

1. Somebody who makes a complete ass out of themselves
2. Somone who is really dumb
3. Someone who looks ugly
4. When someone fuck's up your shit
5. Acting very stupid around hot chicks
6. To demolish property

That chode face tried to fuck my car up.
That chode face thinks he's the shit.
He chode Faced that bitch.

by Adam Ohman August 28, 2006

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