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Oikawa’s Girlfriend

A girl named Aaliyah Xiong. Oikawa is dating a girl named Aaliyah. It’s canon. Oikawa is so in love with Aaliyah. They are so in love with eachother.

Who’s that girl with Oikawa? Oh it’s Oikawa’s girlfriend, Aaliyah

by oikawa’s girlfriend March 11, 2021

National Fuck Your Girlfriend/Boyfriend Day

Got a girlfriend/boyfriend?

Fuck them on this very special day!

Person 1:Hey dude guess what.

Person 2:What?

Person 1:It's National Fuck Your Girlfriend/Boyfriend Day

by gwagwazk November 1, 2022

Random gift for your girlfriend day

This is a day where you give your girlfriend a gift. Generally, should be during the month of February (excluding Valentine’s Day). Gift should be $50+!

Omg babe! It’s random gift for your girlfriend day! I hope you buy me that isopod plushie :3

by simplzplzur February 26, 2024

girlfriend nude day

On April 29 ur girlfriend has to send u free nudes and she can’t say no

Girlfriend nude day is where she can’t say no to nudes

by ooooooooooooooooooooooooo, April 29, 2021

The girlfriend effect

It’s where a boys cute and then her gets a gf and he gets progressively uglier and uglier the more they’re together it has something to do with toxicity and how the girl drains the boy so he look exhausted and just over all less cute.

Chris got a girlfriend now he’s got the girlfriend effect

by Notyomamagoaway May 7, 2023

1👍 10👎

Anime Girlfriend

Something that you don't have

If you think about having an Anime Girlfriend, jump off a cliff and freaking die you millennial

by Itsyeshua December 21, 2023

Medic Girlfriend

A type of TF2 player who only plays the Medic class and exclusively heals one person, refusing to heal anyone else. Whether or not they're a girl or the heal target's s/o is irrelevant, as the behavior of only healing one player is what earns them this moniker.

Their cosmetic sets are typically cutesy with traditionally feminine colors, such as pink and light tones. They often run the Kritzkrieg, a weapon that allows the heal target to dish out triple damage upon activating its Übercharge.

Engie (Voice): MEDIC!
Medic Girlfriend (Voice): No!

by DogOfSwords November 17, 2023