Hello Means They Want you To Fuck Off Butt They Aint Wanna Be A AHole.
Like Ur Mom...
Baby John: Hewo Bigg Bwodder im almoost sevvin. YAY.
Jack THe Player: Hello.
A strange word commonly used alongside "Hi", "Hey" and sometimes, when people are horny "Heyyy". This strange word is what people because they don't know how to start a conversation.
Its use was first appeared in the 1800s as an attempt by some weird humans to grasp attention. Its variants or similar words include "hallo". It soon rose to being a common word after the invention of telephone.
Scientists still are discovering a way to make humans not dumb so that we don't have to use such strange and alien words in order to start a conversation. However, this word is widely in use and won't disappear anytime soon.
Oh hi there.
I need help to solve my problem with this weird Chickentai ness I have
Boy- why you searchin this everybody in the world knows it 😠but im just gonna do an example
Person 1= hi!
Person 2= hello!
Its bassicly how to greet people nicely 😒
hello is a mysterious greeting that brings one another together. my heavy-duty cotton designed the word hello in the year 1765