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Similar to a Homonym, but instead of a word that has several meaning, a He-Ynomonym is any word or concept that gives reference to the Omnipotence of He-Y and his almighty grace.

"Could you please pass me that spoon?"
"Ah yes, all hail his excellency Almighty He-Y."

in this instance, the spoon, the act of passing and the request itself, were all He-Ynomonyms and reminded the individual of his divine influence

by archangelz June 24, 2011

He-Bitch Man Slap

Weak ineffectual attempt to slap a bloke. Usually delivered by someone who isn't quite manly enough to throw a punch. Wussy and effeminate slap to the face that comes across all girly. The last resort of drama queens.

You call that a hit? That was a He-Bitch Man Slap. I've seen girls deliver right crosses better than that.

by Taylz March 6, 2014

the office he held

To be dominant over other.
To have a power that sets you higher.

the clothes was wonderful quality that became invisible to any one who was unfit for the office he held, or was incorrigibly stupid.

by abekatten April 4, 2018

he dipped

He left

He said hi to me then he dipped

by Boiiu June 1, 2019

yuo know alexander he only grik

Powerful argument against greek people

DarkSkinnedRoman: Ah, I'm so proud of being greek.
AnalbanianCareful: yuo know alexander he only grik

by 1c7x January 19, 2024

if he cant break bread he fake

sharing is caring.

person 1: has a bag of chips
person 2: "if he cant break bread he fake."
person 1 now has to share his stuff towards person 2.
ex. 2

person has girlfriend
person 2: "if he cant break bread he fake''
it is now THEIR girlfriend

by chemz-88 November 28, 2022

not (the, its, he, she, they, y’all)

a phrase that is followed by a repeating or stating the gag or the point of a sentence or action. it’s used to draw comedic attention to something somone said or did that’s either blatantly obvious or gag worthy that has you lowkey shook.

it was commonly used originally on social media sites such as twitter, instagram tiktok and reddit. but has recently been used commonly in the vocabulary and everyday colloquial slang of mainly POCs and members of the LGBTQ+ community.

it can be used as a way to throw shade.

not (the, its, he, she, they, y’all)

use pronoun, possessive determiner or determiner based on structure of the sentence.

example 1;
person 1: *walks in room, gasps, spins and blows an anime kiss*
person 2: “not the entrance featuring gasps, spins and an anime kiss”

example 2
person 1: bitch, i fell asleep in the bathroom on with my phone in my hand and dropping it.

person 2: damn, not he fell asleep

example 3
person 1: * walked in the office with the shoulder pads from 1980s with tacky and mix matched colors.*
person 2: *Says under breath*oh my God, not the ‘80s sholder pads and then tired color combination they thought was cute enough to leave the house looking like that

by ryuintokyo August 15, 2021