mentally stupid, foolish, and especially dumb, in the head
This teacher is so mentally inept, how is he still here?
Eco-Mentalism, ©Aidwannislard, is not a state of mind where you knit your own muesli, but a blend of spiritual and practical principles that enables us humans to rediscover and focus our innate mental and spiritual powers to achieve the inner ecology (= balance) that we need, not just to survive, but to do so with grace, harmony and beauty.
The powers of Eco-Mentalism include:
The Power of Listening
The Power of Sharing
The Power of Seeing
The Power of Open-mindedness
The Power of Acceptance
The Power of Silence
The Power of Communication
A kind mentality that monolingual English speaker has when learning a new language.
For example:
mispronouncing the vowels.
apply the nonsensical spell of English to a language with logical spelling and trying to read it.
never prounce the R in other language properly.
thinking that all the people in the world know English so learn the minimum of the set language.
I can't belive he just pronounce "karaoke" like "keriyoki", I bet he have an English Speaker Mentality.
Someone who thinks Brexit is the best thing to happen to Britain since Cornwall.
This guy has such a brexit mentality.