The best music genre..... comes from Ireland and typically played in Harbours and includes genres such as rock, folk nad hip hop. It is very underground and niche but is respected and is for cultured individual.
Me and Johnny are going to a Wharf concert later to hear some Wharf music. Wharf is my life now.
When in a song the singer sings absolute gibberish.
(Song)"I don't care if your Montagues or Capulets, well I bet..."
"That song, Dave, is full of musical gibberish."
"I know Gary that tune is fulla it."
did you hear that skeleton music on the radio?
1. An ugly, twisted expression on one's face typically expressing disgust, pain or amusement while playing an instrument or vocalizing
2. One of the requirements for recruitment into a heavy metal rock band
"Tomorrow: Open audition for high-profit heavy metal rock band. Need to know three chords and be able to grimace musically"
"...and what the dickens is "grimace musically"?"
Bands that are popular with members of the male gender, such as Nickelback, Pearl Jam, and Rush
Girl 1: What in god's name are you listening to?
Girl 2: Oh my god, my dad must have changed the radio to this station, this is all guy music.
An Musical Art form, that has no boundaries.
And has the ability, to capture an unmeasurable
Nigz Omega gave Illuminati Music, a lane of it's own.