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high-five friday

A magical day, which kicks off the weekend. The predecesor of Super High-Five Saturday and Super-Dooper High-Five Sunday. Coined by a man by the name of Jason Ritchie and seen widely at music festivals, one will hear it screamed and be beckoned to give a highfive to this crazy fuck. The act of the highfive is spectacular and truly adds to the enthusiam and team sprit of a festival!

Jason: "High-five Friiiiiiday!!!!!!"
Stranger: (Dumbfounded, see's the dude's hand up and has to give a High-Five."
Aliwishes: "Hey Ralph, what day is it????"
Ralph: "I think it's ummmmmm Thirsty thursday....no, Oh yeah(Raises hand) It's High-five Friday!

by Ralph Steadman July 16, 2006

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Five Pillars of Islam

1) Iman (Faith) - "There is none worthy of worship except God and Muhammad is the messenger of God."

2) Salah (Prayer) - Salah is the name for the prayers that are performed 5 times a day, and are a direct link between the worshiper and God.

3) Zakah (Almsgiving) - An important principle of Islam is that everything belongs to God, and that wealth is therefore held by human beings in trust. The word "Zakah" means both "purification" and "growth."

4) Sawm (Fasting) - Every year in the month of "Ramadan," all able Muslims fast from dawn until sundown; abstaining from food, drink, and sexual relations with their spouses. Muslims fast for the pleasure of Allah. There are also a lot of charitable deeds. Muslims may feed a needy neighbor, feed the poor, etc. It sets them on a spiritual level because they are unable to eat or drink. So by fasting, they are not only pleasing Allah, but can also obtain a feel for people less fortunate than their selves.

5) Hajj (Pilgrimage) - The pilgrimage to Makkah (also spelled Mecca); the hajj; is an obligation only for those physically able to do so. Even so, over 2 million people perform a pilgrimage to Makkah each year from every corner of the globe. After a Muslim has carried out their pilgrimage, they have taken a step closer to God by visiting His house, the first house of worship on Earth.

The five pillars of Islam are the foundation of Muslim life: faith or belief in the Oneness of God and the finality of the prophethood of Muhammad; establishment of the daily ritual prayers; self-purification through fasting; and the pilgrimage to Makkah for those who are physically and financially able to go.

by โ™ซ Highway to Hell โ™ซ May 8, 2010

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five related words

Some dumb bullshit the Urban Dictionary developers thought up to try boosting their tags system. Even though the tags system holds no relevance in the site, and some words have no 5 related words (like p), you still have to bullshit up 5 related words.

Right up there with "Location", which nobody in their right mind would ever honestly fill out.

Tags should be at least five related words, separated by commas.

by Falcon4 December 14, 2008

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Five Nights at FortCraft

a game that will make even Ali-A wanna kill himself
When you just wanna die

Person A: you wanna play Five Nights at FortCraft?!!?!1
Person B: i'd rather commit Five Nights at FortCraft

by DeadlyHunter March 23, 2020

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five finger feedback

To give a high five after doing something awesome.

Guy #1: I just scored
Guy #2: Sick shot man
Guy #1: Ya man, gimme some five finger feedback

by Sturox November 23, 2007

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five finger fiesta

the art of male masturbation. see also booping the bishop, flogging the dolphin, spanking the monkey

That party was boring so I went home and had myself a little five finger fiesta.

by phil winkler December 20, 2004

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High Five Romeo

After confessing your feelings to a love interest, you neglect the obivious opportunity to make-out and instead offer the other person a five-high.

He told her he liked her. She said the feelings were mutual. She leaned in to kiss him. He put up his hand and gave her a high five and said "cool". What a fucking High Five Romeo.

by Ryan_82 November 30, 2006

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