A commonly used nickname for the Magic the gathering card “Rapacious dragon”.
I play rape dragon and receive 2 treasure tokens.
When you ejaculate into your hand and slap said hand onto the back of someone's neck (or nape) causing the seman in your hand goes everywhere. Does not have to be used during intercourse
Jack: Miss England gave me a D in health class, so I Nape Raped her.
Ben: What about the other students?
Jack: Dont worry, my jizz only got on about half the kids.
Getting hammered in an online game and only losing due to the oppositions lower latency, faster internet connections.
Arghhhh, I'm losing to your internet connection, not you! This is PING RAPE!
When the Lurking Trolls on Reddit Decide it's a Great idea to Downvote Questions because they feel Superior.
Karma Rape Downvotes by people who don't care about a question.
The act of embarassing, or destroying an opponent in a matter of contest, to the point where it is not only hilarious, but also painful and unwanted on the receiving end of said "ROFL RAPE".
Teammate 1: "Hey lets go"
Teammate 2: "alright!"
Teammate 2's Head explodes as a sniper shot is heard echoing, painting teammate 1 in brain jello.
Going to someone's facebook profile and repeatedly liking all the content and/or commenting random things like 'a' or '.' and infinite number of times
- "Adam Profile-Raped my Facebook, He commented 'a' like 500 times on my status!"
V. when someone rapes your stumble upon while your not on, so when you come back you have 50 stumbles sent to yourself
I saw the black guy meme and decided to stumble rape abby while playing her in stumble TAG.