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scene girl

is a girl who attends all the shows at all the venues. she has a since of style that is funky and scene, of coarse. she cas either black, bleach blonde, or red hair. lengths from shoulder to short spikey back. with long sides and blind folds ONE eye.

takes alot of shit from punk boys.

man, check out that scene girl, shes rad.

by nellie March 27, 2005

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Dating Scene

an interchangeable word for "relationship status"; the life of one who dates

If you get married, dude, does it, like, totally remove your dating scene?

by Mr. Not-Normal June 17, 2007

14๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

scene kids

Kids who whore themselves on a daily basis on myspace.

They have no originality whatsoever.

They decorate their myspaces with pictures of diamonds, bats, gloomy bears, hello kitty, and other shit.

A lot of them are self-absorbed and are bitches, but no, not all of them are.

Some of them are actually nice.

Most of them claim to be -in love- with photography.

Most claim to be vegetarian/vegan.

Not to be racist, but the majority of them are white.

They call all their "scene friends" nigga, nigg, nigz, nigglet, or whatever. But they don't have the guts to say it in public towards blacks.

They have names like:
Jackie Chanel.
Tommy Terror.
Minnie Murder.
Lisa Hollywood.

A lot of the scene girls have raccoon stripes in their hair.

They wear tight pants, both girls and boys.

They claim to be anti-mainstream, even though the way they dress IS becoming mainstream.

A lot of them look up to Kiki Kannibal, Jeffree Star, Audrey Kitching, etc.

LexiiStarxx: zomg bby. me and you are ttly cute scene kids. fer sure! let's make babies. rawrrr.

by cylinder December 16, 2007

13๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

scene kid


- Very long hair (extentions) or short hair. Always with bangs.
- Usually black, sometimes with blonde or caramel spots
- Goes to shows alot
- Likes unknown music and random techno music
- They like shirts with guns, stars or polka dot patterns
- Sexx bracelets, beads and headbands
- Knee High Socks
- Skirts with leggings


- Hair is emo-ish
- Black usually with blonde or neon colours
- Tight pants
- Usually in a band
- Wierd obsession with Power Rangers.
- Unknown music (hxc, screamo, ect.)
- Rainbow Suspenders (a new style here)
- Sometimes makes out with other boys to impress the girls.


- Hate poseurs and people who are new to the scene
- "&&" ";;" and constant chatspeak
- They will ignore you if you aren't the same as them
- Slip on Vans (checkered and hippos are big here)
- Bright mac make-up and lots of eyeliner
- Face Piercings
- Friendship bracelets
- Dora the Explorer, Barbie and Sponge Bob Backpacks
- Myspace with lots of scene friends
- They mostly all hate Fall Out Boy and My Chemical Romance
- They will try and earn scene points by doing things like walking instead of driving or being vegan.
- They usually have nicknames that only thier friends are allowed to use
- Hate being labeled emo and will beat you up if you call them emo
- Hardcore dances, or at least tries to
- Scenesters are hated by Goths and Preps
- They will say things are "The Sexx" ("Those shoes are the sexx!" or "She is totally the sexx!"P)
- Radd is used alot. They ocasionally will make up words with Radd in it (ex: Raddtastic)
- Radd is always spelled with two D's and Sexx is always spelled with two X's
- They like little kid books and they like to colour
- Some scensters are vegan and some are sXe (not all)
- They hate MTV (or in canada, much music)
- They like wierd animals such as Hippos, Elephants, Monkeys and Turtles
- Black Nailpolish
- They like Old School Nintendo
- They like "thug" or "ghetto" speak (Niggz, hommie, yo, ect.)
- Most of them think that they are orignal and you copied them
- They love hair straightners
- They love "things that go boom"
- They like to make animal noises, such as rawr, grr or meow
- Claim to be ugly, even though most aren't

scene kid conversation :

Scene Girl 1: Woah your hair is totally fab!
Scene Girl 2: Yeah your hair makes me excited in the pants area. It's the sexx.
Scene Boy 1: No its so fugly I hate it! Are ya peeps goin to the show tonight?
Scene Girl 1: Of course! Do you think im hella dumb?
Scene Girl 2: I'm going too! I got new vans I wanna show off. They are Raddtastic!
Scene Boy 1: Want me to walk with chya?
Scene Girl 1: I was gunna get a ride, but walking is more scene.
Scene Girl 2: Scene Points!
Scene Girl 1: Now I'm scener then that biatch Chels!
Scene Boy 1: No she got that Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles shirt, she is so much more scene then you!
Scene Girl 1: OMG I hate her!

by Bwuah December 16, 2006

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scene cotch

when a group of scene kids hang together at the skate park, gig or park

usually drink and smoke

lisen to screamo on their phones and take billions of pics of themselves

cris tom chanel fred fran ragen ben honesty scene cotch

Soph: hey look. a dead squirrel. thats RAAD.
Danny and cloe: WHERE!!?!?
Soph: over the hill in the drinking spot like!

(danny n cloe on grass )

Danny: cloe lets go get some beer from bens and come back to the park and drink it
Cloe: mkay babe. wait first lets go set that dead squirrel on fire.

by Cindy aka Cloe August 21, 2006

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Scene band

There are two main types of scene bands,
one is of talent, and I'm not going to cover them.

The other type is the talentless mix of beats from old fifty cent songs with added sound effects from their macbook combined with annoying cocky lyrics from homosexual sounding voices that go back and forth between rapping and screamo

Most of these people were discovered on Myspace and are "totally original", which is supposedly why scene kids go crazy for them.

Usually, they dress like they've just picked up everything in an 80s thrift store, have a million piercings in places you didn't know they pierced, and have the ideal "scene hair"

a scene band is:
Jeffree Star
Dot Dot Curve :)
The Medic Droid
I Set My Friends On Fire
and pretty much everything on the Warped Tour list.

by loulou brutal January 17, 2009

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scene girl

1.) A girl in the scene who follows all of the scene trends, listens to all the scene music, takes scene pictures for her myspace &livejournal. Has hair that is fakely dyed black, bleach blonde, black w/blonde, &bright colord streaks. Has a scene haircut that she either did herself of had her millionair daddy pay for in west hollywood. Many either look anorexic or fat. The usually have lip/nose peircings &tats. Her clothes are from online "underground" stores. Her sunglasses are big and think framed.. white to match her cocain. However she can also be sxe, wears strands upon strands of long pearls or other beaded necklaces, even though nothing about her is classy but shes so scenexcore she can do whatever the fuck she wants. She Fucks the scene boys, has only scene friends, usually claiming not to be scene, even thought she fits the profile.

scene girls;
1.)Most girls friends with Jerffree Star on myspace
2.)Most girls at hxc shows
3.)Eighter really skinny &hot or extreemly fat &ugly

by asjkefhehj February 19, 2006

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