Source Code

Undiagnosed Beef

When you have beef with another individual unbeknownst to them.

Mikaela S and I have undiagnosed beef.

by ismelllikebeef_ June 25, 2023

Officially Beefing

When you are mad at a person you normally consider a friend.

"Me and my hommie Pablo are officially beefing!"

"I found out Pablo tried to hit on my girfriend. Now we are officially beefing!"

by cerebro March 31, 2015

beef on sight

A couple of streamers on twitch

you see the streamer duo on twitch? their name is beef on sight

by Wubblety Smirkenfurt April 11, 2022

Beef on sight

When a confrontation is initiated based solely on visual acknowledgment alone.

"Do you remember the pacquiao and mayweather fight?
Ya the second they saw each other it was beef on sight!"

by March 14, 2022

Beef jerky

A beef jerky.

A beef jerky is the act of giving or receiving a handjob using ground beef as a lubricant. Usual one would use saliva or some sort of lube for a handjob; a beef jerky requires uncooked ground beef.

Why do you ask? Say your camping, forgot to bring lube and both you and your partner have the pasties. Look no further then a pack or room temperature ground beef.

You can also use other ground meats.

If your partner vigorously jerks fast enough this will create enough heat to have a meal after sex.

I don’t feel like having sex tonight babe, how about a beef jerky?

by Chokiecat March 8, 2019

Beef Jerky

Beef Jerkys are a nickname for Jerks.
They always want some beef, (Tension or fighting)
And are Jerks. Also can be used as a codeword.

"That guy is such a Beef Jerky!"

by A Cheesy marsbar who wants fri August 8, 2019

Beef Jerky

When you slip a hair drier in her pussy and turn it on full heat, then let it dry out and fuck it.

Sam: Hey, I heard you got with Linda last night
Mike: Yeah, I gave her some Beef Jerky
Sam: Man, next time invite me

by 064m4 February 27, 2020