When you have beef with another individual unbeknownst to them.
Mikaela S and I have undiagnosed beef.
When you are mad at a person you normally consider a friend.
"Me and my hommie Pablo are officially beefing!"
"I found out Pablo tried to hit on my girfriend. Now we are officially beefing!"
A couple of streamers on twitch
you see the streamer duo on twitch? their name is beef on sight
When a confrontation is initiated based solely on visual acknowledgment alone.
"Do you remember the pacquiao and mayweather fight?
Ya the second they saw each other it was beef on sight!"
A beef jerky.
A beef jerky is the act of giving or receiving a handjob using ground beef as a lubricant. Usual one would use saliva or some sort of lube for a handjob; a beef jerky requires uncooked ground beef.
Why do you ask? Say your camping, forgot to bring lube and both you and your partner have the pasties. Look no further then a pack or room temperature ground beef.
You can also use other ground meats.
If your partner vigorously jerks fast enough this will create enough heat to have a meal after sex.
I don’t feel like having sex tonight babe, how about a beef jerky?
Beef Jerkys are a nickname for Jerks.
They always want some beef, (Tension or fighting)
And are Jerks. Also can be used as a codeword.
"That guy is such a Beef Jerky!"
When you slip a hair drier in her pussy and turn it on full heat, then let it dry out and fuck it.
Sam: Hey, I heard you got with Linda last night
Mike: Yeah, I gave her some Beef Jerky
Sam: Man, next time invite me