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To post an unsolicited flirty message on someone's social networking site, i.e. Facebook, MySpace, etc.

"Dude, she knows your married, yet she continues to e-grope you every chance she gets."

"I need to un-friend her cuz it's starting to piss my wife off"

by The bigjoe December 8, 2009


Sniper, aka someone who has NEVER engaged in e-sexual relations, also known as e-fucking

"Hey!! Want to e-fuck?"
"Nope! Sorry Im an E-Virgin Im scared?"

by Kemmmmm February 16, 2019


When a person has sex with two others over the internet.
A threesome, only, over the internet

Bob had an e-threesome last night on e-Chat Lounge
Have you had an e-threesome?

by FakeCriz February 3, 2019


A purposeful misspelling of 'boss'. 'Baw$e' is more meaningful than the traditional spelling and is especially used in the context of referring to $mexy people, especially those named Audrey, Claire, and Sadie.

This word was created by rats.

do u need me to baw$e you home in the janker? baw$e pl$...

by rhatboss December 18, 2021


when you flirt and say provocative things to another individual over the internet. may include pet names or descriptions of what you would like to do to them

<BLANK> never actually hooked up with him. they just had an e-fling

by xX Mr. Man Xx May 8, 2008


to nag others via email

When Tara is away on business she e-nags us to take out the garbage.

by kenneth r February 12, 2008


a dumb gadget that generates electricity with walking but explodes after five steps

Mike: you're so dumb.
dylan: suck my exploding e-shoes.
everyone in the world: OHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!

by Baron V. Stacker March 24, 2018