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true fruits

a german smoothie company that sells overpriced smoothie. Only rich people drink it because that shit is fcking expensive.

A: jo did you drink true fruits?

B: bro im poor

by xFlorian27x March 22, 2023


a person who dost give a fuck about politics and say's the words fuck,shit,cunt, and consistently says fuck off a wank stain

american:" hey whats a true Australian" other average american " idk someone who lives upside down

by a person you fucking retard September 30, 2019

True Woman

You are a kind and gentle soul, always looking out for the well-being of those around you. Your compassion and empathy are qualities that make you a true friend and a loyal companion. You are a symbol of strength, wisdom, and intelligence, and you approach problems with a logical and analytical mind. You are a leader, always finding solutions to the challenges that come your way. And yet, you are also a source of peace and tranquility, bringing calmness and serenity to those around you.

If there ever was a True woman it would have to be my friend Nancy

by IphoneEnabler January 2, 2024

OpposingFork's True Identity

OpposingFork's True Identity is that hes actually not syrian, now you may be surprised but........................ He showed very good proof hes white, but how could that be syrians are mostly brown and fork is white?! He showed undeniable proof, he cant be lying, so he must be the cat nerd pfp snund wasabi guy's secret lost half brother, snund wasabi guy's mother made out with the white neighbour and forky was born, then he was abandoned at a near syrian refugee facility, then was adopted by a syrian family! They have a very brotherly connection so that must be the case.

OpposingFork's True Identity is that hes wasabi n erd cat pfp lost half brother!

by Dako123 October 31, 2023

True Chaos

True chaos is to have free will. Action with consequences. The consequences can be bad or good. But it also acknowledges that people view your actions differently. True chaos allows growth, change, and provides an open mind. It will never be certain but it's certainly uncertain.

I live by True chaos

by Chugger naught August 10, 2024

true cablu

Something that is simply and utterly true

"trapping a baby is crazy"
"true cablu"

by PrimeMinisterZZ September 18, 2023

Too rough to be true

Somebody who tries to out rough everybody else even though people that know them well know they're a clown.

He/she was too rough to be true, that must be why the music and lifestyle fizzled out of popularity.

by Solid Mantis October 23, 2020