A mama's girl.
The marshmallow girl thought the world owed her the kind of support her mother gave her as a kid.
The kind of female that thinks nobody can straighten her out.
The marshmallow girl looked and sounded serious in her 30's, but she was as silly as they got as a kid, and people don't really change, their nature remains the same throughout their lives, no matter how old they get.
A mama's girl.
The marshmallow girl thought the world owed her the kind of support and respect her mother always gave her as a kid, back when she was her mother's little baby.
A girl that is about as hard as a marshmallow.
The marshmallow girl didn't think the world supported her enough, but if they did, she thought any kindness she was shown shown by them was weakness on their end. She also thought that because she never got an ass whooping from an authority figure such as a parent as a kid, that there was nobody in the world that could do it.
Highland Park people are people who live in highland park and go to the Highland Park High School. They think they are better than everyone else because they have a lot of money. What they don’t know is that people from other schools are actually richer then them but it just doesn’t seem like it because private school costs tons of money. If you go to this school you mist likely vape and drink alcohol, if not then ur considered not cool. They always dress really inappropriately and act like they run the world. They also claim to be very smart..... but they are very wrong. The other schools around them are learning material for people 3 years older than them, while HP people are learning at their own level. They are also very mean and consist of a lot of bully’s. They don’t know how to be nice.
Someone from a private school: “did you see that Highland Park girls Instagram post?”
Another girl: “omg yeah it was so inappropriate”
Someone from a private school: “why do they think they are better than everyone?”
The Grove Girl is everywhere you want to be; doing all the things you want to do in Coconut Grove! She’s funny. She’s chatty. She’s got her finger on the pulse of the who’s who and approachable too!
Want more? Look her up at grovegirlsocial.com - or just shout out “grove girl!” while out in the streets!
Yooo! Grove Girl is that you?! The grove Girl would know.
Not to be confused with a tomboy, a boy girl is excessively masculine in bearing, in the way a male boy girl is excessively effeminate. Both a male boy girl and a female boy girl could be reptilian.
His eldest child Abella was a tomboy, but his youngest Caindace was a boy girl.