girl 1 :see charlotte walking round college
girl 2 :yeah proper white girl yardee
Tables that disguise themselves with makeup and jewelry just to ignore the fact that they’re truthfully guys in disguise
That tech girl has a bigger cock than me
Whatever the definition is above, or the overemphasis of a message using emojis.
random girl with tgs: i like how she responds with a small ✨ slap ✨
chad: you have teen girl syndrome faggot
A very typical drink, ordered by most middle aged men made in a small rocks glass, with heavy ice, a miniscule amount of liquor, extra mixer, and garnished with fruit and an umbrella. It is referred to as a Girl Scout Drink by real drinkers who chose to be a man and drink a Fire Marshall Special to keep their manhood alive.
James, "Why does Carmen always drink those little sissy drinks with no liquor in them."
Glen, "He doesn't have the nerve to order a Fire Marshall Special, so he goes with the Girl Scout Drink instead."
An omega emo girl is a girl that is emo wears fingerless gloves and when called emo they get upset and ask their mother figure and then tries to prove their not emo by telling them what there mom said.
I knew she was an Omega Emo Girl
An omega emo girl is a emo girl who wears fingerless gloves and when called emo gets upset and asks their mother if they are emo and if their mother says no she tries to prove it to the person who said she is emo by telling them what her mom said.
I knew she was an Omega Emo Girl