Big dilf is a very respected person in the discord community and is known for his great packing and pvp skills also he if known for being one of they original founders of 144
a term used when people are really happy about something. ussually used by people who are not fluent in english, like me.
person: i just won 100.000 dollars, im excittis, excites, verrry heppy.
me: no, you are the big happy
A show that takes place in a cafe that they claim is the best cafe in the world but it's not.
They get one customer per day and has shortages on ingredients all of the time. The "cooks" are unable to memorise simple recipes, so they need a cookbook for recipes that children could make.
Small has magical powers, rides on a spoon to get the ingredients but when he comes back, he doesn't have them, but gets them via magic, making the journey a waste of time, only for educational purposes.
Ben needs motivation from a story before preparing, and often makes unnecessary amounts of spillage, wasting more time and ingredients. No wonder do they have to clean the kitchen after EVERY single order, and explains the lack of ingredients.
Also, they don't even let the customers order themselves.
I went to the Big Cook Little Cook cafe and then I gave it 1 star on Google Maps.
A pressed perc 30, the 30 is bigger than normal and they are usually string than others sold on the street.
“Hey man do u know if the plug has big 30’s or normal 30’s”
Courtney is a girl who although has a good body but just doesn’t use it she’s so fridged and eats alott she really pretty but has no friends
Your fit
For example fit means Courtney’s really attractive in the sentence it would be used as
Boy: Courtney your fit
Courtney big bum : I know
When the big bird takes you home after a bender
Our boy Keenan got blackout shiprwrecked, then got big napped by that subway girl. What the fat one? Yeah pal the one with her own gravity.
Message from big back city: we miss you Tyler landis
F f f f f f fat come back to big back city