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Goth Disney Girl

One of THOSE members of society. You can tell her from a crowd by her black lipstick and Nightmare before Christmas LoungeFly backpack. Something villain-related also helps.

I swear to God, if this Goth Disney Girl has anything with Jack Skellington's face on it, Imma fry her in hot oil.

by BluRazzKookaburra December 18, 2024

white girl syndrome

A syndrome in which cisgender men are only attracted to white girls typically found in college bars with crop tops, skinny jeans, and air force 1’s.

Identifiable by their clumpy mascara, a fake tan, and bleached hair.

guy 1: Bro look at this girl on instagram. She is exactly my type.

guy 2: Yeah bro, of course she’s your type. You got white girl syndrome.

by suzmae January 30, 2022

dubai portapotty girl

a specific type of sugar baby that fulfills the extreme sexual kinks of wealthy men in dubai, often being flown in from other countries to fulfill these acts. the term originated from a video of an influencer consuming fecal matter from a portapotty for a scat kink.

yeah, she's definitely a dubai portapotty girl.

by therealrobin April 5, 2024

Tofu Girl

A girl that adopts the personality of whoever she's dating at the time. Girls like this usually have little to no personality of their own.

Karen just started dating a guy that thinks he's a cowboy and she just bought a cowboy hat. She's such a Tofu Girl

by schutte01 December 27, 2019

On-the-roof girl

A girl that thinks very highly of herself, often without basis. A girl with a big ego.

Abby: "Why does Maddie act like she's so much better than us?"
Leslie: "I know, she's such an on-the-roof girl."

by Frdy145 November 20, 2023

Naked girl pussy

A girl who is naked and has her pussy out on display for everyone to look at

P1: look at that girl she's naked and has her pussy out
P2: That's what you call a naked girl pussy

by Kamed June 28, 2024

Reed girls

The reed girls are the best. No need to beat your meat, choke the fuck stick or even beat the evil 1 eyed Willy.

If the Reed girls are around, you never have to whack it because they will sexually relieve you for some marihuana or just because they are town sluts

by Long dong Ed August 23, 2022