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A person, who wanted to pledge a fraternity or sorority, are mad at the Panhellenic Process.

Those crabs are made because they didn't have the G.P.A. to pledge.

by Walk6076 April 27, 2016


THE COOLEST CREATURE WITH MULTIPLE LEGS AND A SHELL (better than a loser lobster, my friend likes lobsters and hes a femboy now.) LITERALLY EPIC. CAN HOLD KNIVES. BE YOUR FRIEND, HIRE TO KILL LOBSTER LOVERS. ANYTHING. also very loving and compasionate. <3

Crab moment.
i had mad sex with a crab.
i hired a crab to kill a lobster lover.

by CrabLover. May 31, 2022


Its like pubic lice on your dong hair. It can be pointed out super easily like if you have a small mustache you have crabs.
If you dont have muscles you have crabs. If your not single you have crabs. Common in people named jacob


by NotAwkward July 26, 2019


A derogatory word for crip used by the bloods.

ut I'm a soldier to the very end
I hate Crabs with the passion, my attitude is grim, so
I slip clips in the automatics
Niggas wanna roll through
No, I ain't havin' it

by Skullsplitter March 26, 2015


If you look close enough you will notice two legs and jeans and two arms with claws on the end and two eyes sticking up and then it will ask for your money.

Friend 1: Dammet dude, I dropped my wallet in the water.
Crab: Ararragagagagahaha arrrgaarrarara wait until plankton sees my new strip club atrggrgggaga.

by mr krabs bank account May 13, 2020



jessica: hey! OMG is that a crab?
me: yeah

by crablver69 August 26, 2021


A person who has it but won’t share or a person who pulls you down from success

Donald Trump is a Crab for putting up the wall.

Jackboy just got and went right back in them crackas some crabs.

by JahJah 407 June 10, 2019