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north myrtle beach middle school

Nmbms aka north myrtle beach middle school is a popular school within horry county. The staff at the school are bad people. They try to expell every student after 5 incident referrals. The school takes bribes in money to change grades.

North myrtle beach middle school is a bad place.

by Devin gomez January 20, 2020

19πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

kicking dead whales down the beach

Engaging in an extremely slow process.

Maurice was undertaking the challenge of counting all the hairs on his body. I told him he might as well be kicking dead whales down the beach.

by Edward Marshall Shenk July 11, 2006

15πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Bringing your own sand to the beach

Taking your girlfriend / boyfriend to a party or social event where there will be plenty of single women / men to mingle with.

Damn, can you believe that Colin is actually bringing his own sand to the beach tonight! Doesn’t he know that Anna's parties are crawling with beautiful single models!!!

by BigCee August 19, 2005

130πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž

Take my talents to South Beach

Masturbation. A generation-Y inspired euphemism for masturbating. Inspired by the ego-driven, hour-long announcement by LeBron James indicating that he was signing with the Miami Heat.

Rather than spend more time trying to bring the hot girl from the bar home with me, I decided to take my talents to South Beach and take care of things myself.

by sexual napalm July 12, 2010

182πŸ‘ 62πŸ‘Ž

you don't bring sand to the beach

you don't bring your girlfreind or Women to a party or event where there will already be plenty of available pussy (saying originated by EF in 1988)

bringing women or dates when it's not necessary (you don't bring sand to the beach)

by FOX1970 November 19, 2011

139πŸ‘ 49πŸ‘Ž

Taking My Talents to South Beach

Taking a huge dump. Named after the infamous LeBron signing scandal, a person who takes his talents to South Beach is taking a shit. See: Dropping the kids off at the pool.

Hey Johnny, can you watch my desk? I'm going to be taking my talents to South Beach.

by El Tren July 21, 2010

336πŸ‘ 142πŸ‘Ž

Cocoa Beach Jr/Sr High

The school where almost every day unnecessary fights break out, the algebra teacher always has his fucking nasty crusty ass dogs out, some kid gets arrested, and all the senior couples breed in the hallways in front of all the younger kids. You can never really tell if that loud ass boom outside is a shooter or a rocket launch. Also, all the bathrooms smell like jellybeans, weed and doodoo. All together. At once. Not a pretty mixture.

β€œHey, didn’t you graduate from Cocoa Beach Jr/Sr High?”
β€œYeah, that place made me wanna off myself.”

by ifartedanddoodoocameout April 25, 2022

11πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž