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getting turboed

When you are on a computer with a power and a reset button, and you tell someone to press the "turbo" button, which is really the reset button. They will think that it makes the computer go faster, but in reality, they will lose all of their work.

Joe asks Justin, "Why is my computer going so slow?" Justin says, "Maybe you should press the turbo button!" Joe presses it, and loses all of his work, seven times. What a gay. Joe just shoed getting turboed sucks.

by Mike September 21, 2006

23๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

get swol

1. Short for "get swollen", meaning "build muscle." See also, swol or swoll.
2. The act of building muscle, exercising.
2. The most effective way to make exercise sound homosexual. Very homosexual.

"I'm about to hit the gym to get swol."
"Dude, can't you just say exercise?"

by dimbottawan January 6, 2013

24๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Get wrecked

A term used most often after beating someone at something or after a person fails at something.

Cooler way of saying 'oh snap'

1. "What are u doing", says Josh. "Stuf", says Morgan. "Goodnight hommies", says Lexi. "It's *homies for the second time", says Morgan. "^Stuff", corrects Alexis. "I meant to spell it like that tho, u didn't. GET WRECKED", says Morgan.

2. *tries to dodge dodgeball* *gets hit in the face* "OH! GET WRECKED!!!"

by Whiteasiansensation February 19, 2016

44๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž

Getting Over

Not to be confused with "get over it," to "get over" is 70's African American slang for getting through the hard times. The opposite of "going under," when a person gets over they manage not to fall apart when things are bad.

In a more simple use, "getting over" occasionally was used to mean dealing with bills/taxes and getting out of the red.

"We gotta get over before we go under." James Brown

"United we can get over, and yet we're still apart." Willie Hutch

Sentence: "There's nothing I won't do if it means getting over for another day."

by A Lone Jazzman December 3, 2011

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Get Dunked On

When in a game of basketball one player goes for a slam dunk, and the defender is directly under him causing him and/or the ball to come down on top of him. The terms pretty self explanatory "Get Dunked On" but yeah watch some nba highlights your sure to hear it

Lebron drove to the hole, but kobe tryed to stop him, lebron jumped and kobe knew he was ggunna Get Dunked On

by knock knock nigga March 7, 2016

33๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

Get LARPed

v. - the action of getting meleed or knifed in a FPS(First Person Shooter). Origins: Crime Craft by Vogster

**Usually after the event has taken place the LARPer makes a sound similar to a turkey or native american warcry.**

Ed: Damn!!! You knifed me again!!!
Jordan: Get LARPed!!!!!
Chris: Count It!! HAHAHA!!!

by Matt 'Robot Boy' Carras December 21, 2009

18๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

get it off

1. to have an orgasm

2. to copulate

3. to masturbate

He is in his room getting it off.

by Light Joker August 24, 2005

46๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž