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Hunter Killer Drone

It's a scorestreak in the game Call of Duty: Mobile. It's a small drone which is launched into the air, and it will target enemies on its own and rushes towards them and kills them. It's not manually controlled by your player, you can just launch it into the open and it itself will go and kill enemies. It requires 500 points to use. It can be very annoying as destroying it mid-air is basically impractical.

Johnny: *is on a 19 kill streak* Omg I'm so close to a nuke!
Enemy team player: *uses Hunter Killer Drone*
Announcer: Hostile Hunter Killer Drone inbound.
Johnny: *ignores the announcer.*
Hunter Killer Drone: *targets Johnny and kills him*

by Cool_Fox February 20, 2020

wyoming elk hunter

While performing cunnilingus, the wyoming elk hunter utilizes the labia to blow bugle noises like calling an elk.

I was doing the old Wyoming Elk Hunter on the old lady and the game warden stopped by the camper to investigate a poaching complaint.

by Dan Wrather June 11, 2017

Vampire Hunter D

He is THE MOST beautiful creature ever.
D is so beautiful, that if you took all the words having to do with beauty in every single language in the universe and put them all together, you wouldn't even come CLOSE to describing him.
He makes men explode in their pants and women swoon at the mention of his name.
They would have sexy dhamphir babies in his honor.

"Ever heard of Vampire Hunter D?"

by AwesomeJellyBean August 30, 2012

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Snake and The Rhythm Hunters

Established in late 2009, Snake and The Rhythm Hunters is a well known musical group from Illinois. Their groovy and mellow sounds can really spice up any evening. Classics include Irish Whiskey Song and Watch Out, however there is always more to anticipate from Snake.

Mike: Hey, have you heard of Snake and The Rhythm Hunters?

Cali: Yeah jabroni, they're only the best band ever!

by snake189 March 15, 2011

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witch hunter robin

a 2002 anime that started in tokyo but soon started to be a craze in america. unlike some anime, w.h.r is about character developement, rather than just all action.

just awsome, no example required -.-

by stillurbanizing April 7, 2005

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you pulled a hunter

when you are really dumb and try something but you can never talk with people because you arent social

When you try to ask out a girl but you choke, you pulled a hunter.

by brycelol January 11, 2018

Hunter (as a girls name)

Hunter as a girls name:
Shes very flirty, usually brown hair and brown eyes. When you look into her gorgeous brown eyes you can see a daring exciting look that craves adventure. When she looks at you its like she can see right through you, like she knows everything your thinking and the world just stops. Hunter is usually artistic and isn't afraid of getting dirty. She likes to live life on the edge. Hates drama and wants to stay as far away from it as possible. Takes one day at a time; doesn't worry over things she has no control over. Hunter also has feelings just like any other person expect shes not like any other person. When she opens up to you its amazing. Loves adventure and just wants to have fun! Because you only live one life and she wants to live it right. Shes probably made some big mistakes in the past and probably hates herself for what she did, but the mistakes that she has made in the past isn't who she is, its the part she chooses to act on and she acts on it right by learning from her mistakes and making sure it won't happen again. She probably has some big plans for her life one day in the future and won't stop until there achieved no matter how hard it is. Don't let her go without a fight because she is probably one of the greatest most craziest people you'll ever meet, all the best people are. Hunter is an adventure and you have to step in with both feet even though you don't know what might happen you just have to or else you'll regret it later.

Hunter (as a girls name) craves adventure and will usually be sexual with you if you let her.

by MackGogh January 31, 2016

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