When a male and another male hang out and fart so much around each other, that Thier colons sync up and they start farting at the same time. Like when chicks sync up their periods.
Worker 1: bro wtf, why are you so gassy in the morning?
Worker 2: I used to fart in the morning with my friend, I think I’m still stink linked to him
BPSP for short. A Gasport native who lives life without any rule book. You’re never safe around a BPSP, you cannot sleep, drink or ride in a vehicle without constant shenanigans. Don’t ever let them out of your site or leave them alone in your car or house.
I invited over some friends for the football game and Dave brought a damn Big Poppa Stink Pickle. He ended up doing an upper decker in my wife’s bathroom and hid open cans of tuna fish in my ductwork. I was so on edge I didn’t even get to watch the game.
nurse: have you been using marijuana
Autistic man: yes, I've been stinking up to help manage my autism