The act of complaining to managers of stores for no apparent reason, just to be a bitch. A Karen typically has short hair and is blonde.
- "My mum was karening so much at the shoe store yesterday!"
- " OMG! She must've embarrassed you so much!"
When two or more people get together to complain and discuss ways to improve their anal-retentiveness and make others uncomfortable as a result.
Every morning this group of women walks by my house Karening at the top of their lungs; their poor husbands, always in tow with their tails between their legs.
da bitch karen is a white woman that wants to make lives of other miserable
Da bitch karen wants to speak to ur manager or calls the cops
An ignorant, mouthy transphobe.
Those transphobes are so vocal and whiney about transgender people, that if there were a gender manager, they would ask to complain to them, or call 911 throwing a tantrum in their ignorant rage. Fucking Gender Karens!
Resigning Karens
The Karenism was shown when Catalina stopped drinking trulys
Discrimination to Karen's or reffering to as people in society who are Karen's.
I personally dislike karenism.
Soccer Karen; A Karen with athletic Karenability; typically spectating an athletic competition, in which her offspring compete.
" Dude; Melanie is such a fucking Soccer Karen ". " Her spawn sucks on the field and she is up the refs ass all the time ". " WTF? ".