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live by the sword, die by the sword

Alternatively, a saying that also reminds you not to expect last-minute change.

live by the sword, die by the sword:
If you live by the sword, don't evpect to die in peace.

by TanonX December 4, 2005

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I love living in the city

Phrase taken from the song of the same name by Fear. Commonly used in downtown Edmonton as a way of conveying positive feelings towards the downtown area (ex. upon spotting scantily clad women) or sarcastically. (ex. upon seeing a nude homeless man arguing with a parking meter)

"Jasper ave on a Friday night? Hello drunk college girls!"
"I love living in the city!"


"That sure is a lovely pile of syringes in the bus shelter."
"Man, I love living in the city."

by Bent_Razor May 17, 2010

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Who wants to live forever

A Queen song originally written by Brian May for the 1986 movie Highlander after he saw a scene involving a secondary character's death due to ageing. The song is considered one of the best of Queen and many confuse this as relating to Freddie Mercury's HIV/AIDS, which he was not diagnosed with for another year.

Brian May: There's no time for us,
Brian May: There's no place for us,
Brian May: What is this thing that builds our dreams?
Brian May: Yet slips away from us?
Brian May: Who wants to live forever?
Brian May: Who wants to live forever?

by FatEngineer July 24, 2020

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Living My Best Life

To assimilate what a previous definition said, basically the phrase 'Living My Best Life' denotes a lifestyle (or a moment in time) where an individual is in its most optimal state of being. This state is completely subjective and varies from person to person. To some folks, living their best life may imply breaking free of some restraint. To other folks, living their best life may imply getting out of an unhealthy state and into a more healthy state. And to some other folks, this phrase may simply just mean getting by the day doing what they love.

Whatever the case may be, in all cases, 'Living My Best Life' emphasizes that only ๐—ฌ๐—ข๐—จ are in control of your life and only ๐—ฌ๐—ข๐—จ can understand what is best for you, regardless what other people may think or expect of you.

TL;DR Living My Best Life = living life under your own terms, at your own pace, with your own ideals and expectations.

"My friend is a music producer. He had big ambitions, however, living with his parents restricted his creative freedom. Thus, he set off on his own and moved into the big city (e.g. Toronto, NYC, LA). He lived in a small crappy apartment in a shady neighborhood, and survived off with hardly any income to pay his rent. Despite all that, he said he was living his best life."

"After a grave talk with my mother, I came to terms that my degen sleep schedule was causing distress to my life. After taking considerable effort to correct it, I now end up sleeping at 4am and waking up at 11am instead of my usual 9am-5pm degen hours. Even though I could not meet the normal 12am-7am standard set by my mother, I was already beyond satisfied with the result, and I felt like I was living my best life, and that is what ultimately matters to me."

by Mary Mary Quite The Contrarian June 5, 2022

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do you live in a hole?

Not in touch with the outside world

'Justin Bieber cut his hair omg'
'Justin who?'
'Do you live in a hole?..'

by dictionary182 November 5, 2014

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You only live once

Mostly used as the acronym YOLO, it is said when pushing the limits, doing something dangerous or different from what you normally do.

man 1: I am not sure that skydiving was a good idea...
man 2: Come on man! You only live once!

(man 2 pushes man 1 off the plane)

by linguistmaniac April 1, 2019

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Live With My Mamma House

Somebody who's too old to still live at home

I'm 30 and I still live with my mamma house

by Big Paco January 31, 2011

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