Formal adress for a group of league of legends players consisting of 20 people or more.
"Dude there's so many league of legends players here"
"I know, it's an entire salt mine"
Once you get the salt in your blood you have a desire to go out on the ocean. Being on land gets boring after a while. It doesn’t take long to get salt in your blood. The lifestyle, the adventure, it is nothing that can compare to it.
He was experiencing what the maritime community refers to as “having salt in your blood.”
A very salty boy, who rages over at everything and anything, wheter is it be a small or big problem.
Person2: You're a Salt God
Lots wife in the Bible became a Pilar of salt.
This phrase meaning she was a a Idol God Worshipper.
Not that she magically turned into salt.
The story of Sodomy/ Sodom, and Gomorrah.
What the story means is she returned back disobedience to the two angels that brought a king message from Yahweh, the Truth is she was burned up once entering the City with the rest of the people.
Pillar of Salt ! She became a pillar
She or He a strong God Worshipper.
A "Salt Goblin" is another word for a bogey.
A: oof, that was a hell of a sneeze!
B: yes, it sent all the Salt Goblins falling out of your nose, careful so they don't hide in your mouth.
A: ew, a mighty sneeze indeed..