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Jizz Soup

a soup containing blended strawberries and cut up strawberries with some sugar, usually served in lunch meals at schools

Man, that Jizz Soup today at school was the best!

by 190 Loads June 5, 2011

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Soup Waffle

When someone drops a loose duece on your foot while you are wearing sandals.

That pipe cleaning goof Green Mike was all liquored up, took a shit and left a soup waffle on my foot.

by Willy the J.A. March 27, 2003

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soup whiff

n. a particularly nasty smell, akin to that odor that eminates from a container of canned soup upon first opening.

I won't let my boyfriend Roosevelt take off his socks when I"m in the room, it's a complete soup whiff.

by presence banks eterna July 24, 2006

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Soup making

when a girl has a yeast infection and while opening her legs, a boy penetrates and pees in her. AND YOUR SOUP IS MADE. yum yum.

Sandy: I was with Robert last night and he totally did Soup making on me!

Keara: NO WAY!!!! ... how'd it taste?

by J dawg + K dawg November 9, 2008

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Soup cooler

A soup cooler is a fart that is barely audible and akin to Darth Vader exhaling or has the name suggests someone blowing over their spoon of extremely hot soup.eg whooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. A pugnant smell is followed. One of the most potent farts, more often deployed by women.

Who dropped that soup cooler, even the blow flies are leaving.

by Huge Heffna April 22, 2005

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Duck soup

When a Male is having anal sex with one partner he then ejaculates in the partners anus to then suck his own seamen out with a straw.

So I came in her ass the then I had some duck soup

by B@Nk$ November 16, 2006

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Indian Soup

Running at a blind indian kid with 4 toes and punching him in the gut whilst biting furiously on his nipple, once pain is inflicted shave his backhair and boil for a superb Indian Soup.

Yanni Loved his soup, He loved it even more when it was indian and fresh. Yummy Indian Soup mum!

by Jamie Hayes November 26, 2007

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