Every month after women cut off their penises they bleed for 3 to 10 days and peel off their skin during on after the process. This is called our menstrual cycle, an effect of our reproductive system (i think)
“Hey! Have you peeled this month?”
“Excuse me?”
peel - the body’s way of cleansing a woman's skin.
womens periods
The span of historical time during which an organization enjoys the best personnel lineup it will ever have. The phrase derives from the name of the virtuoso lead guitarist of the Rolling Stones, 1969 to 1975.
The Micktaylor period of the Democratic Party ended in 1968, when the Kennedys and their organization permanently lost national power.
When you have unprotected sex with a women on her period, and you end up covered in blood.
Bro 1: dude i smashed Lucy last night on her period
Bro 2: ohh you nasty fucker
Bro1: i know dude i felt like a period champion
Bro2: (pukes)
A mood swing that happend because a girl is on her period For the following reasons.
1. She in pain
2. She is bleeding out of her Vagina
3. because if hormones
Did you hear about Jennys period mood swings.
A natural phenomenon known as the El Niño Period occurs about 2-5 times a year and is a period that is significantly more painful than the person's usual periods. Symptoms such as cramps, irritability, stomach pains, mood swings, headaches, food cravings, bloating, and more are heightened in intensity and worse than they usually are. Like El Niño, these periods are an anomaly occurring at irregular intervals characterized by unpredictable acts and instilling fear in those nearby.
Mannnn, this is definitely an El Niño period! I'm so angry, I threatened to run over an old man with my shopping cart because he was blocking the cheez-its and I have NO RAGRETS.
Males going through puberty will definitely watch porn just as females going through puberty will definitely have a period.
My mother asked me as a 14 year old boy at the dinner table, “You don’t watch porn do you, son?”
As I hesitated to respond, my father retorted, “Linda, porn for boys is like periods for girls.”
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