Larry: RIP that pussy ayeee, im goin....
To drive really fast with no fucks given
He was rip dick Sanchezing through a crowd of people and crashed laughing at all the dying people
A magma bong rip is when your friend or yourself light the contents of your bong to the point it looks like molten magma. Resulting in an extremely powerful hit and you potentially coughing out hot blood.
"Yo, Sami lit that bong so hot last night I thought my lungs were on fire dude!"
"Yeah man Sami really loves those magma bong rips haha"
When you post something viral or largely appealing to others online and you get so many responses that it’s impossible to keep up and your inbox becomes overfilled with comments or replies.
Girl: I just posted a public picture of me in a new bikini and I’ve gotten hundreds of likes in the last 5 minutes! I haven’t even looked at how many messages I’ve gotten but the notifications won’t stop. RIP my inbox!
"Post rip depression" is the feeling of complete devastation and utter sadness when you lose your hardcore character in a game like Path of Exile.
This feeling often arises from becoming emotionally invested in the character and the time and effort put into its creation, only to have it abruptly taken away due to a mistake or unlucky circumstance.
Post rip depression hit me hard after my level 96 Raider got one shot by a rare mob.
An expression of acknowledgement and respect to someone or something, especially after a loss. In its most serious context it can reference a real dead person, but is used more often in trivial matters such as when a favorite restaurant closes down.
Etymology consists of RIP, an acronym/initialism of Rest In Peace, and real one, someone or something that is great or significant.
Person 1: Did you hear that the pub closed down?
Person 2: Nooo, their Irish nachos were the bomb! Rip to a real one.
No no no no no no no. Don't turn me into a meme
As a joke "Rip that ranboo ayy" "HAHA"