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Best roblox player

Komi is the best roblox player to ever exist. they got a award for it no to long ago.

Did you hear about the *best roblox player*???
Yeah i heard his name is Komi. His bf is kinda hot too.

by Hottienamedkomi June 25, 2021

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Roblox chat simulator 2

Roblox chat simulator 2.

What happens when you cross discord with 4chan.
It is sex jokes and stupidity filled to the brim with 6th graders, most of the bots do almost nothing and by most I mean uhโ€ฆ 2 plus, there are extremely racist people on it saying โ€œniggas are monkeysโ€ or something like that with everybody else responding with โ€œmonkeโ€ while going apeshit with spam.
Not to mention that 80% of all servers are just โ€œinsert generic name here House. I mean, can you atleast be original?

And all in a roblox game.

Roblox chat simulator 2 be like:

Person 1: hi Iโ€™m your mom
Person 2: real
Person 3: real

by Massive rotating balls god May 14, 2022

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Class of 2023 in Roblox

A group students who were Joined Roblox in late 2016 - Mid 2017
They believe themselves to be far superior to any other class.

Usually the males are addicted to fortnite and โ€œchallengeโ€ each other in โ€œ1v1โ€ battles, they also have the tendency to yell โ€œLETS GOOOโ€ at the TV if they do win.

The females on the other hand like wearing extremely short or tight fitted clothing, they also tend to use the terms โ€œskskskโ€ which first originated from asmr and others as well such as โ€œokurrโ€ and โ€œperiodtโ€

For example The Class of 2023 in Roblox in a nutshell Is like this

Person 1: โ€œHello there, may I ask you what class you are in?โ€

Person 2: โ€œI Joined in 2017 Oh, Iโ€™m in the class of 2023โ€

Person 1: โ€œWell then... I never knew SUCH PEOPLE were allowed to roam around the streets of THIS town (French laugh)โ€.

by Roblox classes of 2011 - 2027 September 22, 2021

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Class of 2022 in Roblox

This class was Joined in late 2015 - Mid 2016. They absolutely hate the class of 23โ€™ and will not hesitate to beat the shit out of them.

Class of 22โ€™ consists of different genres of people. Some are stereotypical and others are super weird

The boys either
A. They play sports and football is life. Also they smoke. They play girls and all they care about is getting laid
B. The e-boy they like dark things, and listen to rock music. They donโ€™t do sports and keep to themselves

The girls range from
A. Thots. Booty shorts, tube tops, push up bras
B. Baddies that will kick your ass
C. The TikTokers.

For example The Class of 2022 in Roblox in a nutshell Is like this

Alex211: When did you join
Lexi75: December 2015

Alex211: So your a class of 2022

Lexi75: Yes
Alex211: stay away from me

by Roblox classes of 2011 - 2027 August 2, 2021

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Supreme Cats of Leadership(ROBLOX)

Is a Group owned by:ImNoobTheWeakest in roblox

It is similar to Kitties United on roblox

while they raiding Rat's United

Can you join Supreme Cats of Leadership(ROBLOX) Please? I Will make you member if you join discord

by QUEBERT_DEV ROBLOX September 22, 2020

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Supreme Cats of Leadership(ROBLOX)

Is a Group owned by:ImNoobTheWeakest in roblox

It is similar to Kitties United on roblox

while they raiding Rat's United

Can you join Supreme Cats of Leadership(ROBLOX) Please? I Will make you member if you join discord

by QUEBERT_DEV ROBLOX September 22, 2020

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ROBLOX High School Home of the ODers.

Now this game on ROBLOX is terrible. It's for the stupid ODers who have no education and have no care in the world where their life is heading.

These people mostly sit in the spawn not following the actual point of the game 'High School' which is to go to school and go into class, They use terrible language like when trying to type "Bitch" they put "Bxtch" and "Fq u", really cringe stuff.

They will not give a care in the world for other players unless they have the style, that most of them wear, if you're new to the game and have the Pal Hair on they will most likely call you "Bacon Hair".

Now in this game there is a gear you can purchase called the Boombox,
They will most likely play the "Gangster" "I'm so rich" songs that you hear nowadays, like Drake and stuff , these kids have no education and are very cancerous stupid children.

The words Oreo and Cookies.

Now this is the ultimate cringe, this is really really bad, in the game you can have a Roleplay description that tells you something about your character and 60% of the time all ODer's will have "Oreo dealer" or "Cookie dealer" and sometimes even "Nutella Dealer" Now i was seeing this stuff in 2015 so these must be new ODers that are still catching on to their new ODer style.

Basically don't play ROBLOX High School if you don't want to see a bunch of kids that ruined Roblox drifting it away from the fun building game it used to be.
R.I.P ROBLOX 2004-2014

ROBLOX High School Home of the ODers.

ODer 1:"Hoi Besh how much robux did ya parents buy ya?!"

Oder 2:"Aww yeah i got 5000 robux and obc."

New player: "hi can we be friends?"

Oder 1: "No Bacon Hair besh go and kill yoursxlf"

Oder2: "Wow you are poor you dont have robux nuuu"

(robux is roblox currency)

by Some Plonker April 11, 2017

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