Source Code

Rage Running

Running on anger-fueled adrenaline to calm down.

"After me and Emily had a fight, I went rage running."

by qwerty_face October 16, 2012

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running free

in northen colombia, it means to be without underwear.
usually you say it with exaltation.

person1:hey estoy running free!!person2: uy a ver te toco...
translation: p1:hey Im "running free"!!p2: wow let me touch....

person1:running free!!person2: yo tambien!!person3: no sean gamines!!
translation: p1:running free!!! p2: me too!! p3: dont be gamines!! gamin is an other colombian word meaning someone that lives in a hood.

by nicolas r November 25, 2006

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Running Shorts

Short shorts made of a plasticy material worn by women for both athletic purposes and comfort. They are very comfortable to wear and also do a good job at flaunting not only the booty, but the legs and thighs as well.

Did you see that girl running by? She was totally sexy!

Was she wearing yoga pants?

No she was wearing running shorts!

by nilethe146 May 1, 2015

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dutch run

when it's someone's birthday and that person takes advantage of the coffee company Dutch Bros' policy where you get a free drink on your birthday by going to multiple Dutch Bros stands on the same day

Do you wanna go on a dutch run with me, I'll give you a free drink!

by itechnologies May 23, 2020

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Front Runs

Female Menstruation; Period; PMS

"Hey man, what's wrong with that girl? She has been acting crazy today." "Oh don't worry dude, She just has a case of the front runs".

by wombatt131 October 26, 2009

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it means to kill or defeat in a quickly, chaotic manner. often with over kill. used often in relation to other players online or on the internet and how you will treat them

"i'll gun-run those mother fucking sons of whore mongers" after somebody pisses you off in multiplayer
"I'm gonna gun-run those bitches right down to hell"
also can be used with pwn obliterate overkill etc.

by Mr. Psychic September 25, 2010

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Color run

A place where girls go to take photo shoots of them covered in paint like a skittles bag came all over them.

My skittles bag broke and looked like a color run

by Sensation123 November 16, 2014

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