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Rusty Submarine

When a girl pulls her pants down (her cheeks loomin' over yo' erect dick), pops a squat, and straight up takes a massive, gravy shit on the tip of your penis. Like, not even in a sexual way. She just has to poop.

Ted: "You remember that machine Wonka drove down the chocolate river?"
Bill: "The boat?"
Ted: "Yeah. I was trying to remember why I was thinking of that boat, and then I realized.. it looked just like Paul's dick after Becky gave him that rusty submarine this morning.

by GreatMcGoogler March 28, 2015

rusty rug

When you have sex with a woman on her period, and blood gets on your pubic hair.

Man, that bitch gave me a rusty rug!

by Buck Seathorn June 23, 2023

Rusty Dock

A Rusty Dock is accomplished by a woman (or man) first deficating, and before cleaning themself, has anal sex by sitting on the erect penis of a man who is sitting on the toilet that the woman just deficated into.

Person 1: Dude, I think Jessica just Rusty Docked onto Ryan!

Person 2: No way! Go Ryan!

by Rusty Dockings July 21, 2013

rusty bobsled

Noun; Similar to a rusty trombone, but more familiar to those in cold climates such as Minnesota, the Dakotas, Canada or Scandinavian nations.

"Eh there Sven, ya know I gave that ol' nort Dakota girl, Bertha, the ol' rusty bobsled. And ya know what? She took it like a pro, like gosh darn ice hockey pro dontcha know"

by Norseman November 12, 2014

rusty cannoli

The act of a woman defecating on one's penis, then inserting said poopdick into the vagina for an eventual creampie.

Everything was going great with the anal, until she pooped on me. I'ma get mines, though, so I gave her the rusty cannoli.

by themeatsweats May 7, 2019

Rusty Ocarina

Similar to a Rusty Trumpet, but performed by a less skilled player. The act of blowing into a woman’s back door while reaching around and awkwardly fingering her lady bits.

Ethan thought himself a skilled virtuoso in the art of satisfying a woman, the Miles Davis of the Rusty Trumpet, but he was, alas, merely fumbling with a Rusty Ocarina.

by RobAnybody November 3, 2020

buck rusty

When you give someone a drinking straw that you have shoved up your ass.

I got that dumb motherfucker with the old buck rusty!

by Corky Bangerwhore December 13, 2015