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new rocks

leather boots made by the company New Rock, based in Spain. Are not cheap (ranging from Β£90-Β£150+) but are the best shoes to wear if you don't want your feet to be massacred. Worn by what "kevs" would call greebos/moshers/goths. I own a pair, and i love them. Typically have large platform sections or high heels which make you much taller. Majority are black with silver buckles etc.

"Dude, you're so tall with those new rocks on."

by jenny June 13, 2004

35πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

Beard Rock

A little-known form of music originating in the 1990's as a throwback acknowledgement to the early folk rockers, (i.e. Bob Dylan, Crosby Stills & Nash, etc. ). This style of music often falls under the label Indie or Folk or Indiefolk, and is very prevalent in the Pacific Northwest. Signed artists mostly belong to Sub Pop Records, a label from Seattle, Washington. Songs are laden with references to nature and personal philosophy of all aspects. The difference from regular indie/folk music is that each group tends to sport facial hair, styles including but not limited to: the chin curtain, Grizzly Adams, mutton/lambchops, or any other generally considered "unkempt" look. These artists emphasize the importance of the environment, overall camaraderie and independent thinking, making Henry David Thoreau look like a demigod. Examples of bands are: Fleet Foxes, Midlake, The Decemberists, Band of Horses, Mojave 3 and many more. One thing is for sure though, the beard is key to defining Beard Rock.

Fleet Foxes singing 'round a campfire in the woods: Pallid animals in the snow tipped pines, I find
Hatching from the seed of your thin mind, all night?

Astounded observer: Their music is thoughtful and catchy, and their beards rival that of Plato!

Other observer: Gotta love that Beard Rock.

by bennedictus February 28, 2010

31πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

Rock Climbing

The act of having sex w/ a large women.

Example: I went rock climbing last night.

by omgownedadam July 2, 2006

293πŸ‘ 160πŸ‘Ž

rock job

Getting head while the girl has "Pop-Rocks" (TM) in her mouth.

I got a rock job from some chick today!

by Jiphie August 16, 2003

69πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž

Pride Rock

The art of ejactualating on a woman's forehead, subsequetly, with your thumb, rubbing the cum vertically down her forehead while saying "Simba."

"I soooo gave you mom a Pride Rock last night."

by Tad363 September 7, 2007

75πŸ‘ 33πŸ‘Ž

indie rock

Indie rock- A genre of music and cult following of younger generation which is striving to be different from pop music followers. Music is often β€œunderground”, not known to popular audiences because of independent record labels. The musical style combines british punk, rock and roll, and heavy metal.

by trista stanley October 27, 2003

381πŸ‘ 213πŸ‘Ž


Hair bands are synonomous with butt-rock. Hair bands were a phenonmenon exclusive to the 80's and 90's. If the guy used at least one can of hairspray per day, and wore eyeliner, it was a pretty good bet he was a butt-rocker. The SURE thing is whether or not he had a perm, and hair that stuck out/up higher than 3 inches.

These people that consider Creed and Nickleback butt-rock were obviously born in the late 80's or early 90's. Butt-rock is NOT alternative music, it is NOT heavy metal, and it is NOT from the late 90's. Try Poison, Warrant, Slaughter, Winger, White Snake, Guns 'n' Roses...

by spellcheck-enabled July 11, 2010

244πŸ‘ 134πŸ‘Ž