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That guy who flies by you doing 90mph in a 50 in a lifted truck with a tapout sticker covering the entire back window.

“This truck is riding my ass!”
(Truck passes)
Tapout sticker??? What a fucking tool

by Faux Show June 27, 2018


A guy who constantly talks about lifting and being tan. Gets no pussy! Just a dick in the ass every Wednesday

José is such a tool. Don't send me any more pictures of you in the mirror at the gym. You don't look good!

by Anonymous1118736 June 20, 2016


Tool is synonymous for jock. Tools often jump very high, suck at super smash brothers, gets 4's all around, and loves the booty. Some tools tend to hate Jewish people.

Look at that tool, Sean, going for a tipper.

by Dr. Thirsty June 22, 2014


A tool is a artist that is deprived of originality, creativity, and\or other art related skills that are usually required for making art.

To keep them self's form getting worse at making art or pass the time they help others by inking and coloring, point out mistakes, tutoring and being a form of support\feed back.

A tool will usually leave another artist once hat artist's capability exceed the tools.

Artist 1: What do you think about my work

Tool: It could use some work. Would you like me to re-ink and color it for you

by A tool. July 21, 2012


an assault rifle

- looking like bobby builder bitch with a big tool

by bootyeatah April 4, 2018


a person who doesnt understand this meaning n has to look it up on urban dictionary to use against a friend when they dont even kno it

kimberely anna-lynn ?? ..or somone with bigger boobs then her body structure

kim is a tool cuz she has big boobs n no brains

by erkelnator June 11, 2008


someone who tries way to hard to fit in, pisses people off, and makes an ass of themselves. usually one with an ugly girlfriend he smashes alot but says she is hot...


by crazymofo69 November 25, 2009