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Sarah Palin


Yo Sarah Palin is a MILF. I wouldn't vote for her though.

by sassy black man September 19, 2008

155๐Ÿ‘ 225๐Ÿ‘Ž

Sarah Palin

Ran for Republican Vice president in 2008 election.

Thinks foreign experience includes seeing Russia from Alaska.

" I can see Russia from my house!"

- Sarah Palin ( from saturday night live)

by dictionairedarling December 26, 2009

24๐Ÿ‘ 177๐Ÿ‘Ž

sarah morrow

a raging bad ass hippie chick who knows how to party.

who doesn't love sarah morrow?... i mean, she's ragin'!

by wahwahh September 27, 2009

7๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Sarah Palin

A crappy presidential candidate that will be as destructive as Obama and Bush combined, even worst. Sarah Palin wants ethics reforms, which means we will be stuck in the dark ages of the afraid of getting nuked by Russians early 1950s with conservative values. We will be taught exclusively creationism and the Sun revolved around the Earth and Latin should be taught in schools. Any modern Rennaissance, industrial, and technological revolution thing will be scrapped. She will also probably censor the shit out of the TV and the internet, so sites such as Urban Dictionary will not exist because of it's immoral sexual va

She will drill for oil...good, but it might not give a right for these annoying varmits to live, but it might make the gas prices down to 89 cents a gallon. Nice. With her major belief in religion, she will think that the Russians are trying to merge with Iran and that crap and we need some more troops, which is wasteful spending on blowing up shit when you feel like it. She will think Solomons temple willl have the be rebuilt and we will be screwed.

Sarah Palin will bring us back to church owned government of the dark ages.

by Kyle 230 January 19, 2010

25๐Ÿ‘ 186๐Ÿ‘Ž

Sarah Palin

to sarah palin is to quit for no reason

awwww... come on dude dont sarah palin

thers no reason to quit

by johnny johnsern July 10, 2009

27๐Ÿ‘ 2674๐Ÿ‘Ž

Sarah Palin

A gay hating idiotic son of a bitch who was for some reason picked by McCain to be his running mate for the 08 presedential election. He actually had a chance of winning before he picked her. This woman is an idiot, has only had experience governing her small town in Alaska, and will ruin our country if she is to be vice president. She doesn't know shit, and is being coached along by evil brain-washing politians. America needs to realize how much of an idiot she is.

Republican dumbass: Yo, Sarah Palin is so great. She's a hockey mom, and so smart. I love.

Democratic informed citizen: Dude, you're fucking stupid.

by Jada Black October 19, 2008

56๐Ÿ‘ 5447๐Ÿ‘Ž

Sarah Palin

the act of covering up one's complete incompetence with only minor incompetence.

"the teacher got pissed at me for not doing assignment, but but I made up an excuse so she only thinks I'm forgetful now"

"dude, so Sarah Palin!!! nice!"

by zolform October 24, 2008

31๐Ÿ‘ 3071๐Ÿ‘Ž