i word that signals the end of a conversation. that one of the participants in the conversation has lost interest. often used in text messaging and causes frustration.
Tom: hey whats up?
Susie: not a whole lot hbu?
Tom: just got back from work. how was your day?
Susie: it was fine
Tom: at least you didnt have to work.
Susie: yeah
-commitment to a texting conversation
-could have just typed “yea” but is so invested and interested that typing an ‘h’ is easy
-the best people use “yeah” not “yea”
girl: did you like my dress today?
guy: yeah
*in the girl’s mind* omg he cares so much! he even had enough commitment to add an ‘h’!
James Hetfield favourite word there are no metallica songs without yeah
(Person)-Hey dude
when used in this way, yeah means “horny”. normally yeah means yes or in agreement w someone or something. yeah can also mean not pg things such as nudes etc....
girl: im just so.......yeah
boy: what do you mean you’re “yeah” ?
girl: i mean im turned on
Basically the most used word in all songs
Singer: Aand i saw the baby and yeeted it, Yeah