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Facebook Revenge

waiting for someone to do or say something on facebook similar to what they have called you out on previously so you can get revenge on them. This can sometimes take weeks or years but so worth it!

This can include misspellings or calling you out on something that you did that was embarrassing or lied about

Carrie's facebook status: I had an awsome day today!!!
Dawn's comment: awesome is the correct spelling

This is where Facebook revenge comes in

six months later...

Dawn's facebook status: My life sucks latly!!!
Carrie's comment: LATELY is the correct spelling!!!! BOO-YA!!!!

by carrieann80 May 25, 2011

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facebook face

The half-smiling expression people wear when gazing at pictures on their computer screens. Often accompanied by a slightly tilted head. Also known as "MySpace Face."

Hey, check out that girl over there at the laptop. What's she smiling about?

That's facebook face. She's checking out pictures from last night's party.

by Shadwell February 14, 2009

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facebook courage

when a person will say something on facebook about someone but wouldnt say it to their face in fear of the consequences, usually sent to people who live a considerable driving distance away so that retribution wouldnt be worth the drive to seek the person out.

did you hear nathaniel talking so harshly to matt last night on facebook. That was some real facebook courage because if matt were still over here he would definately whoop some ass

by moviebuff matt September 3, 2010

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This is when go on to Facebook (or My Space, Bebo etc) under a friend's user name because they've been silly enough to keep their account logged on unattended. Once you're on, to punish them for making this silly mistake, you then message random people random things, changing their status etc. (nothing offensive obviously). Once the dirty deed is done, log off leaving them none the wiser.

'I went went on facebook on a pal's computer, I forgot to log off and got facebook-raped!'

by TJ27 February 26, 2009

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Facebook Cool

Facebook cool means you are friends with people you don't even know.

Kevin Hiske is facebook cool!!!

by facebook cool kevin April 13, 2009

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Facebook Tourette's

A moment in which you have no control over what you say on the social-networking site Facebook. Generally, this indescretion is only for a moment- just long enough to say something stupid on a friend's wall. Or, if you're an idiot with no sense of shame, these Facebook Tourette's "attacks" may last for hours, even days, on end. These attacks are not limited to Facebook, and may happen on any site where users can comment or write statements.

I wasn't going to say that on her wall, but then Facebook Tourette's kicked in and I couldn't help myself.

by Mick O'Tilly January 28, 2009

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facebook slut

A person who is very promiscuous with who he or she friend requests on facebook.

She has over 2,000 friends, what a facebook slut!

by Horrace P. MT February 21, 2010

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